Post Cycle Therapy for sperm count


New member

I will soon be starting my first cycle of test ethanate 0.75ml twice a week. I am in my mid 20s and don't intend to do steroids often, just once in a blue moon as a boost. My biggest concern is the decrease in sperm count as I want to have many children, especially while my wife is young. My research has shown me that the likelihood of my sperm count being permanently affected is low and that my swimmers should return to normal a few months after ending the test. How can I help this along with post cycle therapy and what do you think is best for me to take and how much of it? Also can there be negative effects on the baby if I impregnate my wife while on test? My first child was born a year ago and we have neither tried or prevented since then, but she hasn't gotten pregnant yet and I want another soon.

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Sorry, this is a subject I am not familiar with, since I have no kids. In am interested in this subject too.