Post surgery


New member
I am recovering from a disc fusion in my lower back L4-5 S1-S2 has anyone had this surgery? and if so how did you start to gain better core stability post surgery?

I trained for a few years prior to injury and I know how to train but to be honest I feel like I am learning everything all over again from scratch. I am not able yet to lift heavy at all and at the moment I have absolutely no core stability (when I do basic crunches my body shakes to all hell)

I am about 6 months out from surgery and the Dr. says it will take about a year and change post surgery to see if it was a success, but this spare tire I have gained around the mid section must go now!

I started cardio - walking about a mile and a half every other day and I started to ride a mountain bike but can only be on it for about 20-30 min before getting very sore.

I also attend physical therapy three times a week. (but they do not allow me to lift at my potential I am lifting like 15 lb dumbies...needless to say this makes me feel like I'm taking a very slow back seat to recovery..and to top it off these things are freaking

anyway, what can I do to maximize my core work outs without over doing it? I don't want rock hard abs in one day, but I do want to build them up and feel like I am using my time/work out more effectively for my recovery.

thx in advance.
I feel your pain.
Had back surgery about a year ago.
I'm now 44 and after about 20 years of heavy weights and whatever supplements it took to grow, it may be time to just be healthy.
Don't want to be one of those people driving around on a scooter in Walmart.
But I'd also like advice on were to go from here in the gym.
Ill be watching this thread as im gonna need the same surgery at some point down the road. Vazzer, why did you need this done? Was it herniated discs or Degenerative Disc Disease?
Have you tried, if possible, to find a different physical therapist? I know that there are a number of therapists out there that specialize in athletic therapy and not just the day to day joes. Talk to your therapist about boosting up your therapy or maybe even refering you to another therapist who's more focused on athletes and such. Either way a back injury/repair is nothing to mess with unless your doctor is in the loop. Two friends of mine have had similar surgery within the past six months and are back to par as far as upper body is concerned. While they were down though they literaly dieted their ass' (and bellys) off.