Hi guys,
I'm new here and I'm not sure where to start a new thread. I hope this is the right place.
I'm 40, 6'0" 230 Lbs and about 15% body fat.. I know it was a bad idea, but I've been on a cycle for over a year, and had a great sex drive until a few months ago. My sex drive completely went away and the anxiety started. Then my father died (which made my crashing worse) and my girlfriend broke up with me. I was taking something called Cut Stack. It has Prop 75mgs, Tren 75mgs and Mastron 75mgs. Again, I did this for over a year, and all the sudden, while on my cycle, I crashed hard. I bought 50,000 iu's of HCG, and over a month's time took it all. I was also taking 25mgs of clomid to try and fix my issue, and my testacies have dropped, but I still have no sex drive. I talked to a few of my friends, and they said that I should get back on the gear again to raise my test levels, so now I'm taking Sus 250 once a week, and test enanthate 300 twice a week. It's going on my third week on this cycle, and I feel nothing.
Please help me if you can.
Thank you