

New member
For two months now I have been training towards doing pull-push meets and i need a suggestion or two of what might help my bench and deads increase so I can start gettin closer to some records for my class if not break them.

22 y/o

345*3 raw
405*5 raw
465*2 belted
well with that ammount of information its quite literally impossible to post any constructive comments...

need to know:

a) where you miss lifts on both lifts
b) raw or eqp
c) what you currently do
what are your maxes bro? those look like pretty decent numbers
NXG+ said:
well with that ammount of information its quite literally impossible to post any constructive comments...

need to know:

a) where you miss lifts on both lifts
b) raw or eqp
c) what you currently do

ya i am really now sure what you guys would need to know so i didnt provide much before sorry

a)deads i miss at 475 and bench i have never tried to go higher than 345.....i never have a spotter so i move up slowly which sucks

b)no eqp i dont even use wrist wraps. i ordered some but i havent gotten them yet...only support i have ever really used was a belt

c)my split is:
I only do legs every other week...because of how rough my workout is
Here is an example of how my different days go. I dont do the same thing every time I work out but this is my general guideline I try to follow

flat bench (5 sets 5-12reps)
cybex incline (4 sets 8-12reps)
incline dumbbell (4-5 sets 8-16 reps)
rope pulldown(3 sets 12-18 reps)
vbar pushdown(3 sets 12-18 reps)
cable kickbacks(3 sets 12-18 reps)
cable crossovers(upwards)(3 sets 8-12 reps)
HS flyes (3 sets 5-12 reps)

lat pull downs (4 sets 8-12 reps)
seated rows(3 sets 5-12 reps)
single arm rows(3 sets 5-12 reps)
deads(6 sets 5-12 reps)
reverse flyes(3 sets 8-12 reps)
bent rows(3 sets 5-10 reps)
rack shrugs(8 sets 5-12 reps)
barbell shrugs(3 sets 5-12 reps)

biceps/shoulders/core/lower back
alternating curls(5 sets 5-10 reps)
hammer curls(5 sets 5-12 reps)
straight bar curls(3 sets 5-12 reps)
rope curls(5 sets 5-12 reps)
dumbbell shoulder press(4 sets 5-12 reps)
upright rows(3 sets 8-18 reps)
low cable delt raises(4 sets 8-12 reps)
hypers(8 sets 20-24 reps or failure)
front raises superseted with lateral raises (start at 45 do 15 reps rest switch to other exercise then drop down to next lower weight...until at 10lbs)

leg press(6 sets 8-12 reps)
seated calf raises(4 sets 12-16 reps)
calf raises(3 sets 8-12 reps)
seated leg curls(4 sets 8-12 reps)
leg extensions (4 sets 8-12 reps)
squats(8 sets 5-12 reps)

for core i really dont have a set routine i just pick exercises as i am going

My rotationg is usually something along the lines of:

biceps/shoulders/core/lower back
biceps/shoulders/core/lower back
biceps/shoulders/core/lower back
i am going to say you are doing to much..most powerlifting is at a hheavier weight for less reps..not to say that i doint see guys doing as much or more training then you do..but also your rep ranges to me are out of whack..i would thin you would want to maintain a 5 rep range..maybe 8 rep range on lighter days for smaller muscles..but i cant see a 12 rep range for powerlifting...but thqats me...i am a bench baby and do usapl bench only, raw meets..my bros do all three lifts, but they train heavy, and less reps, but quite a few sets...and i like to see the bicep work you do..most powerlifting guys neglect the bis, which you virtually do not use when powerlifting anyhow...I am a firm believer in heavy and a rep range from 3-8 depending on the exercise and the bodypart your working...just my .02
