Preparing for my first cycle....your advice please

Hey Mister

New member
I am preparing for my first cycle which I plan on doing by the time this year is up (I know that is still a long ways away, but I want to get ready).

AGE: 22

STATS: 5'8", 185lbs, 12% bdf

EXPERIENCE: Lifting since 14, been serious for around 3 years now....started off in the 120lbs range. Training and diet wise I believe I know what I'm doing. Still gotta educate myself a little more with drugs though.

GOALS: Just want to get a bit bigger, but I have NO desire to become freaky freaky big. Just want to put on around 20lbs of solid mass. I want to get down to 5% bdf or so but I know this will NOT be a problem as I have very very fast metabolism and I have been lean before (though not at 5%...I've probably been down to 7% before).

COMMENTS: I'll admit I'm in a rush to get those 20lbs. I want to get there quickly so I can just maintain it and finally be able to enjoy the fruits of my labour. I've read a lot about shorter cycles (ala Nelson Montana style) and it appeals to me for health reasons, but damnit I want to reach my goal quicker b/c I'm impatient!

Your advice?

=Hey Mister=

ps - I'm just thinking sustanon for a first cycle. One other thing is I don't want to depend on drugs. I think I can maintain 205lbs naturally thereafter. If I have to use drugs it'll probably only be very very light short cycles (which is my preference).

pps - Oh yeah I'm acne-prone....refer to my other thread.
sus only is fine. even at 250 mg/week you will acheive your goals with the proper diet and training. in fact you could great a good deal more. welcome to the darkside!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 % bf seems to me to be extremely low. i personally wouldnt go that low unless you were about to head to a comp. even then a feww days later i would be back up to a higher bf around 9-10%. as far as your cycle. 250mgs of test enath/week and 30mgs dbol ed will do you great wonders. thats just my 2 cents. take it with a grain of salt
Hey Mister said:

STATS: 5'8", 185lbs, 12% bdf

GOALS: Just want to get a bit bigger, but I have NO desire to become freaky freaky big. Just want to put on around 20lbs of solid mass. I want to get down to 5% bdf or so but I know this will NOT be a problem as I have very very fast metabolism and I have been lean before (though not at 5%...I've probably been down to 7% before).

5'8", 205 @ 5% sure is at least bordering on freaky, man.
I'd really stick with a single ester test like Enanthate or Cypionate. IMO your blood levels vary too much with Sustanon (sust) because of the short esters in it, unless you are doing it EOD.

Sure, lots of guys got good gains using Sustanon (sust) at low dosages their first cycle, but could they have gotten even better gains with a single ester?.....probably !!
OK my advice---after all no one likes my cycle designs---so here is the real advice



what you really sound like you want is lean muscle mass with out the bullshit of bulking

try 75mg fina ed for 8 weeks
100-150mg eod for 8 wks
and Winstrol (winny) @ 50-75mg-ed for last 6 weeks

thats a good cycle for what you are after
test any kind preferably single ester 250mg

deca at 200mg

d-bol at 20mg

run everything 10 weeks except the d-bol run it the first 4
Great First Cycle:
D-bol 20-25mgs./ED Wks. 1-5
Test Enan. 300-400mgs./week 10-12 weeks
Eq 400mgs./week 10-12 weeks
Clomid, Nolva, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), etc

Very simple, low dosages, not hard on the body, solid gains which are easily kept on. Eat right, Rest, & Train hard and you will put on the 20lbs. you are looking for on this cycle.
BUFFDAWG10 said:
Great First Cycle:
D-bol 20-25mgs./ED Wks. 1-5
Test Enan. 300-400mgs./week 10-12 weeks
Eq 400mgs./week 10-12 weeks
Clomid, Nolva, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), etc

Very simple, low dosages, not hard on the body, solid gains which are easily kept on. Eat right, Rest, & Train hard and you will put on the 20lbs. you are looking for on this cycle.

Looks perfect!
I would agree with buffdawg but for a first cycle I dont think you need all that much.

Test at 500mg/week for 10 weeks.
IF YOU WANT, throw some Dbol in there at 30mg/ed for weeks 1-4.
I agree with the majority. First cycles should be extremely simple. First, because its all new to you as well as pins. Second, you will grow a lot easier (dependant on diet) in the begining cuz your body is totally new to it and you dont have them extra pounds over your genetic limit. First cycles should basically just consist of a simple test only regime. You could get great results even from 1ml of sust/week if you keep them calories up. Im not a big fan of Sustanon (sust) though, especially for newbies. Stick with a single estered test like enanthate or cypionate and shoot it at 400-500mg/week (2cc's)dependant upon the dosage/ml. If you really want, you could add some dbol in for the first four weeks at 25mg/day but it isnt needed at all imho.

The gains are gonna be packing on really quick due to water retention and new muscle. But the 2 biggest things you must focus on is:

1) Caloric Intake - Make sure @ your stats you are taking in around 4000-4500 cals/day if you really wanna bulk up. Dont worry about extra bf. If you want to beef up, do it right. Remember that as your LBM goes up, so does your caloric intake have to be boosted up in order to keep gaining. Usually when people hit plateaus is because they have to bump up their calories or they are overtrained.

2) Maintaining gains after the cycle is complete. A lot of people fuck up on this too. Im telling you WILL lose weight after your cycle is complete. This will be mostly water weight if you know what you are doing. It all goes back to the nutritional aspect of the game. A lot of people want to immediately cut up after their bulking cycle is complete. It doesnt work that way though. Keep them calories up high to support the new muscle you have packed on or else they will dwindle away w/o the proper fuel. Also, imo, it is a good idea to shift to a slightly PL routine where you do fewer reps with more weight. From my experience, if you switch over to a powerlifting routine, you will be able to maintain a lot of the strength you acquired from your cycle. And importantly, dont forget your post cycle clomid therapy for the lil guys.

Good luck and happy gains brotha...

Thanks guys!

Wow thanks for all the help! Much appreciated!

Yes I suppose what I want is lean muscle mass without the hassles of bulking, but then again doesn't everyone? I've been bulking naturally forever it seems I'm starting to get tired of it, plus I'm also reaching my genetic potential so 20lbs lean muscle gain will take a few years naturally. That's too long for me!

The recommendations are great, but I really don't want to go more than 10 weeks for a first cycle. Moreover, I don't want to stack more than 2 drugs...3 or more is just too much for my liking for a first cycle. If this means doing two shorter cycles this year than so be it, but health and being shut down longer kinda worry me.

Well here is another tidbit I would like you guys to consider.

I would like to gain these 20lbs by end of July of this year if possible (okay or maybe end of August b/c I'm meeting a special lady friend for the first time around that time so I want to blow her away). Right now it is almost March so do you think I can pull it off in 3-4 months?

Deca kinda scares me b/c of everything I'm reading about limp dick, so that's a no-no for now.

Some of you are recommending lots of test for a first cycle, I'm just thinking now 250mg/week of test enan, certainly not 500mg. Seems like a lot to me. Do you really think I'll need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a light cycle?

So my question is now:

What stack do you think will give me the most lean muscle mass possible in a 3-4 month time frame that will be EASY for me to come off of and maintain thereafter?

Thanks again I appreciate ALL your advice!
Simple right here.

wks 1-4 25mg Dbol
wks 1-10 500-600mg Test

Its not too much for a first cycle. 250 is a fucking joke and a waste IMO. If youd rather puts around with something that low, dont do any test at all. Just run 40mg Anavar (var) for 12 wks. The gains will probally be better anywayas.

You dont need Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Just clomid.
The Almighty said:
I would agree with buffdawg but for a first cycle I dont think you need all that much.

Test at 500mg/week for 10 weeks.
IF YOU WANT, throw some Dbol in there at 30mg/ed for weeks 1-4.

yup I am with Almighty on this one. For your first cycle just do test @500mg/wk 10 weeks and maybe some dbol. You should gain 20 if diet is in check. I gained 30 lbs on Sus 500mg/wk alone. Just eat like a horse. Good luck
do not do Sustanon (sust) my friend. You said you are acne prone right? well, Sustanon (sust) when injected once or twice a week causes rapid fluctuations in test levels due to the fact that the short esters are in and out before longer esters kick in, leaving a void. this rollercoater ride will only make u break out bad.

deca dick isnt bad if you use test. Test will cure deca dick and you wont get it at all if you use test form the beginning. a good beginner cycle would be:

weeks 1-10: test enanthate or cypionate 400mg/week
weeks 1-10: EQ 400mg/week
weeks 5-11: winstrol 50mg ed
week 12-15: clomid therapy
weeks 1-10: .5mg liquadex eod

you can do the winstrol orally instead of injection.

this is a nice little cycle that will have you hard as nails and with more muscle mass
The first cycle I ever did was almost 12 years ago. I went down to TJ and bought 16 Sustanon (sust) 250 redijects. I was on for about 8 weeks and gained well over 20 LBS.
just on a side note, im betting most guys on here who say they are 5% are more like 8-9%, at 5% you are about 1-2 weeks out from a comp, damn near impossible to maintain. Most guys think they are about 3-5% lower than they actually are. Nothing wrong with that though, everyone makes that mistake.
iced said:
just on a side note, im betting most guys on here who say they are 5% are more like 8-9%, at 5% you are about 1-2 weeks out from a comp, damn near impossible to maintain. Most guys think they are about 3-5% lower than they actually are. Nothing wrong with that though, everyone makes that mistake.

Are you suggesting that some of us are full of shit? :confused: