preparing for round 2


New member
So, I got my diet down and that’s improved so I need some help with the second cycle again.

-24 yrs old
-150 lbs
-18.6% body fat
- Only have done one cycle before (links below)
- To get bigger, stronger, lean mass and burn body fat

Breakfast: 2 cups of plain oatmeal, 2 whole eggs and 10 egg whites
Post Workout: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
Lunch: fish, chicken, or steak, green salad and cup of brown rice
Post Lunch Snack: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
Dinner: Chicken breast, green salad, potato or white rice 1 cup
Post Dinner Snack: protein shake 45g of protein, +1 scoop of glutamine
- protein shake: isopure

Day 1: chest/abs
Day 2: back/abs
Day 3: legs
Day 4: rest
Day 5: arms/abs
Day 6: shoulders/abs
Day 7: legs
Day 8: rest
Day 9: start at day 1
* 5 sets reps of 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
* different exercises each time
* cardio before breakfast, HIIT cardio 16-20min

Links to First Cycle:

So, Im almost done with my first cycle and I want to get things ready for the second one. The second one I am doing for 12 weeks and going to use: Tren, EQ, Test and adding Anavar. Friend said I could do them twice a week and the pills every day.

Can anyone help me put a schedule together, like this:
- Something that says Week 1, Week 2 … Week 12 about how much to do ?

Wow second cycle. Not even done with the first. I hope you have done your blood test's before you started and plan of getting another after you post cycle therapy (pct). Then you have 4 compound's you want to run and you jumped straight to the top and grabbed good ol #1 Tren. It's on top for a reason you know. It turn's guy's into monster's. Honestly you should stop and see what the results of the first cycle did for you before you even plan on your second.

Wow looked at your first cycle and it only told me you did Sustanon (sust) and deca nothing about a post cycle therapy (pct). I better stop here and let the vets help you. Just remember before you get someone to lay out your cycle week to week is that more is not always better.
holy shit dude ur first cycle was Sustanon (sust) and deca and ur only at 150 god damn and honesly secound cycle its to heavy man. and do u know anything of serm, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and pct?! how tall are you? how long you been training for how much did u gain on your first cycle? i think u might have to do more reaserch before doing hitting up that secound cycle reaserch tren lol
hey bro it should be loud and clear to you by now that your second cycle is waaay tooo much.
Rethink it and put it up again.
Good luck bro!