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Thoughts on whether or not pre-workouts are a waste of money? They have become a huge market but it's like everyone takes them now and I see no change in their overall output in the gym...
Thoughts on this subject?
I don't think they're a waste of money. I do believe certain pre workouts work better for different people. For example, Craze does nothing for me but C4 gets me amped. Which one are you using ?
I use blitz right now by The Ignite Series
I like it because it has a low amount of ingredients instead of a million damn things in a proprietary blend
I have never tried Blitzz. Have you tried any other PWO? C4 generally works for everybody.
I have never tried Blitzz. Have you tried any other PWO? C4 generally works for everybody.

Not sayin it dsnt get me amped...just wondering if its rly worth investing in or am I just better supplementing with creatine?
Creatine really isn't a pwo in fact I like taking creatine after I work out with my protein shake. Some PWOs incorporate creatine however. I mean if you really , really, wanted to save money then by all means buy instant coffee and mix it with soda aka Hyphy Mud ( look it up on YouTube) but I honestly love C4 . There is just something about it. I feel like a crack head thats missed his dose.
Creatine really isn't a pwo in fact I like taking creatine after I work out with my protein shake. Some PWOs incorporate creatine however. I mean if you really , really, wanted to save money then by all means buy instant coffee and mix it with soda aka Hyphy Mud ( look it up on YouTube) but I honestly love C4 . There is just something about it. I feel like a crack head thats missed his dose.

Haha I knw it's not a pre workout, it's just most pre workouts have creatine in them and seems like the most beneficial part...that and caffeine
Haha I knw it's not a pre workout, it's just most pre workouts have creatine in them and seems like the most beneficial part...that and caffeine

The most beneficial part really is the caffeine. But I've tried taking caffeine by itself vs C4 and something is just different. I don't know what it is. I'm telling you. I've taken NOX with a PWO other than C4 and still... C4 is king. They probably do put crack in it .
Buy caffiene pills at walmart for 5 bucks. Save yourself money. I guess pre workouts work for some people. maybe its a placebo effect maybe not. But for me they do nothing. Nitric oxide this nitric oxide that = an extra 30 dollar supplement. No thanks
I def do not believe that they are waste of money. Depends on really if you need the extra kick or not imo. I love them bc I don't use a lot of caffiene like sodays or coffee and it gives me a push. I have grown to love PNI Prodigy (25 Servings)
I just bought a round of C4. When I tried their sample pack I was so wired my earlobes and eyebrows itched and got one of the better pumps of a PWO I've ever had.... Seems like with all the raw ingredients available, we oughta be able to come up with an 'Ology home mix!
C4 is good, with Creatine Nitrate. It was more potent when it had 1,3-D in it. The same goes for 1MR, Hemo Rage, and they are about to stop producing the original Jack3d and OxyElite Pro.