Primo! Tren-like results

No bud, even longer. That's why the cycles are so long because it starts at 8-10 weeks and gets better and better and by the last few weeks you become a golden god!

It is more money than Tren, but people who are older, have health concerns, anxiety, high bp, etc don't need to hit the Tren train. Basically becomes a tren like cycle, but the only real sides are more muscle and less fat!
1g primo/ 300mg test c and some 50mg pinnacle Anavar.

eod pins, divide totals by 3.5 for pin amounts.
Lots do love masteron over Primo, but I believe it because of the dosage. You can get results with much less Mast than Primo. Issue is, with 800 min of Primo you well get THE results you want. If you can't get that amount, then Mast is a good option. Lot's use Mast with Tren as well, so no need for Primo if you can run that combo.

What can I expect from Mast E @ ~520mg/wk?
Ever run it?
No, but other bro's love Mast. Some even use blends and tri blends with test and tren a. It all works, it is just benefit versus sides.
I like many would run Primo if given the opportuntuy to only run one compound, Of course I would prefer to run at high doses. Love Primo period! Challenging to find good UGL though and love Schering but again$$$$$$.
I'm going into week 5 of Tren E no sides besides waking up a few times a night ! And the pin sight hurts like a bitch worse than anything I've ever cycled in my life it will hurt for like 5 days