Primo! Tren-like results


New member
Tomorrow starts week 10 of this Primo cycle and I am Stoked! Rarely do people approach me in the gym and I had 4 people carefully wait their turn to strike up conversation. "what do eat to look like that" was pretty much the same question from 3 guys and a gal.

Sure it's slow, takes $$ and allot of mgs 1,000mgs/week. Here is the sweetness of this juice: no tren sides, in fact no sides at all. Great gym endurance, hard, veins and my BW is up and BF is down: I can see better things coming every week. Try that on tren ;-)

For guys with BP concerns, RBC & Hemo issues or just tired of near a divorce or break up from running tren....not to mention those sleepless nights and lack of appetite.

Primo is great!!!
Glad it's working out wonderfully. About how many lbs are you up from the cycle thus far?

Please note I've been at this for over 35 years and have muscle memory, been 245 and pretty lean 10% BF and been 6% at 206. With that stated, I was 207 beginning of cycle and now 235lbs.

207 to 235 in 10 weeks and full 6 pack showing ;-)
Primo is def good. My whole intention of running it was to keep sides down, specifically bp/hemo/hemato. That said, even to make your own, it's ends up being so expensive that I probably will stay away for a while. Luckily my last run was free of charge, and I had enough to run 30 weeks which is about the amount of time it takes to see real results from it.

Around 10-12 they so start to stand out. The nice thing is that while it's very slow at gaining mass, and you won't gain mass like with anything else, but with a nice hard appearance, the muscle even looks fuller and more defined. I was fairly light on primo, around 230 but actually wanted to be at 225.

But after a long time, at high doses, I think it's very possible to have sides, primo is very hard on the hair line, and will cause acne. I think it really compares to running lower dose of tren. I don't get many sides on tren, bp eventually goes up, no sleeplessness but I can only sleep a couple hours at a time anyway.

But I think a person could really run around 300mg of tren e or 50mg tren a EOD and get basically the same results with very minimal sides as long as you tolerate it well. Or a low dose with a low dose mast in combination.

But I agree, a gram of primo is the shit, especially for a guy who is already where you need to be basically. Primo IMO is a waste of time and money for a lot of people, guys who run gear but you can't tell they even lift, guys who have higher bf aren't going to see the real results.

But I love this stuff for those of us who have been at this for years, don't need huge cycles to try to gain size, and even better if you are lucky like me to stay lean and not be on a strick diet. The main reason I'm cleaning up my diet is to remain healthy, not really to have a bb diet, but it's what works for me. Unfortunately I'm one of those who especially last year or so have problems with bp and blood viscosity so a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test and some primo is great, or trt/var. I haven't ran a cycle in a while so I'm gonna hit the npp a little low, but I still have a stock of primo and var ready.
Primo is def good. My whole intention of running it was to keep sides down, specifically bp/hemo/hemato. That said, even to make your own, it's ends up being so expensive that I probably will stay away for a while. Luckily my last run was free of charge, and I had enough to run 30 weeks which is about the amount of time it takes to see real results from it.

Around 10-12 they so start to stand out. The nice thing is that while it's very slow at gaining mass, and you won't gain mass like with anything else, but with a nice hard appearance, the muscle even looks fuller and more defined. I was fairly light on primo, around 230 but actually wanted to be at 225.

But after a long time, at high doses, I think it's very possible to have sides, primo is very hard on the hair line, and will cause acne. I think it really compares to running lower dose of tren. I don't get many sides on tren, bp eventually goes up, no sleeplessness but I can only sleep a couple hours at a time anyway.

But I think a person could really run around 300mg of tren e or 50mg tren a EOD and get basically the same results with very minimal sides as long as you tolerate it well. Or a low dose with a low dose mast in combination.

But I agree, a gram of primo is the shit, especially for a guy who is already where you need to be basically. Primo IMO is a waste of time and money for a lot of people, guys who run gear but you can't tell they even lift, guys who have higher bf aren't going to see the real results.

But I love this stuff for those of us who have been at this for years, don't need huge cycles to try to gain size, and even better if you are lucky like me to stay lean and not be on a strick diet. The main reason I'm cleaning up my diet is to remain healthy, not really to have a bb diet, but it's what works for me. Unfortunately I'm one of those who especially last year or so have problems with bp and blood viscosity so a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose of test and some primo is great, or trt/var. I haven't ran a cycle in a while so I'm gonna hit the npp a little low, but I still have a stock of primo and var ready.

I can tell now week 20 is going be off the chain!
yep im goin wit primo next time im done wit tren for good, even at 200mg a week i cant take it bp is crazy even when takin a shit i get bloody nose lol i did my last pin today and ya dont even know how glad iam to get off this shit.
yep im goin wit primo next time im done wit tren for good, even at 200mg a week i cant take it bp is crazy even when takin a shit i get bloody nose lol i did my last pin today and ya dont even know how glad iam to get off this shit.

That is a hardcore side Bro!

How long were ON tren? Go dump a pint of blood for GP.
i was on for like 5 month wit test p and mast i just got rid of the tren never again im touchin the toxic shit.

I ran 12 weeks of tren enanthate with teste and eq300mg, and I'm with you spoon, tren is out for me. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and blame some on the other aas, but a week and a few days off the tren, the sides were gone. I was a very happy man. having said that, the shit is amazing if you can take the sides, which I choose not
Hey spoon crazy side! Good u off now!

thanks bro im so glad im off never again im touchin tren is crazy i could be sleepin and out of no where wake up with my pillow full of blood its scary deff out my list from now on,

I ran 12 weeks of tren enanthate with teste and eq300mg, and I'm with you spoon, tren is out for me. I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and blame some on the other aas, but a week and a few days off the tren, the sides were gone. I was a very happy man. having said that, the shit is amazing if you can take the sides, which I choose not

nah i know if you can handle the sides shit is great i think u cant get any better results like tren does,but shit is not worth it for me bro i tried tren e and tren a before from diff places and they all the same im like you i have tried just about everythin out there and have zero sides but when it comes to tren i feel like the shit is slowly killin me.
Yes if it wasn't for the price I'd prob try it. I don't get real bad sides from tren. So I won't need to run primo at the moment. Though I Def hear from a lot of guys at high doses you get tren like effects. Thats Def good for you older folk, and guys that can't run tren. Just your pockets may be empty after. Lol.
man, the price of primo has always been high, but it seems like all of a sudden anavar is in vogue again, and the price has gone crazy. I remember a time not that long ago, I'm sure some of you guys do to, when var wasn't even popular. primo was always in vials that were always expensive, but great quality, anavar was barely spoken of, no more than halotestin and a few others that slip my mind right now. back in the day, eq was 50mg, veterinary, I think the short fat bottles were 50ml. winstrol was only 50mg and used to run you about $350 at least for the 30cc bottle. the olden days I
It'll probably be a long time if ever if I try it due to price, but I always like seeing reviews on different compounds I haven't tried.
Hell yeah bro, like i have always said primo is tren without the sides. Looks like the fun is just about starting for you, weeks 10 and on things really starts to pop off, enjoy my friend.
Primo is great. Ive ran it at only 500mg per week.

Now im running it with tren (1g a week) and 500mg Primo. awsome results