Primobolan tabs cycle


New member
Yo, I was doing some research on primo, and it seems pretty mild. I want long-term gains that are sustainable. So, are primo tabs safe to run for 12 weeks at 50mg ED?

I'm in a weight restricted sport, that's tested for, so that's why I'm not touching injectables...Also, I don't actually want to get big!! Just decrease recovery time and increase strength.


Thanks Stone Cold I appreciate it, I've done some research and I know I'd need about 200mg ED according to what I've read...But I thought, since its 12 weeks in order to avoid a big drop off in performance post cycle I'd start at 50mg and finish at 50mg ED, but kind of pyramid the cycle in between so I'd get 8 weeks at 200mg ED.

What do you think? Is it safe to run primo for 200mg ED for 12 whole weeks?

In regards to the testing, you're right, but the orals are expelled from your body much quicker simply because of their mechanism...and they're not lipid soluble, correct? SO if I jabbed test (+ hcg) at 500mg EW for 12 weeks followed by proper post cycle therapy (pct) and all that, I'd still come up positive over a year later... ;)
yes but some injectables leave the system quickly like Testo suspension, it doesent have an ester and must be injected every day and even better 2x day and it gives effect right after the injection and leaves the body quick.

But even orals can stay in the system it all depends on your metabolisam,dosage,how long you use etc so its hard to say.