Prince's Recomp Cycle - Getting big and lean!!


Well-known member
Decided to do a log on this run, hoping for plenty of feedback and to share my experience :) First cycle in over a year, so should be an excellent run for me. Will also be my first cycle that I feel I will have executed 'properly.' I'll elaborate on this later on.

Currently in week 2 of this cycle. This is going to be a recomp cycle, mainly geared towards a cut. Goals are to hit 10-12% bf range and then recomp to add some LBM along the way. The priority goal being the bf :) I do have the knowledge & experience on how to recomp, and having recomped natty successfully in the past I have high hopes for this cycle.

**First run with Tren. Atm I've only got the one 10ml vial, and am running it @ 50mg ED to judge sides. I'm a little worried about acne and excessive sweating (won't look good at work!) Considering most say Tren A 'kicks in' about the 7-10 day mark this should give me a decent idea on how I'll react. I have enough to last 14 days and easy access to my source so getting more at a moments notice won't be an issue.

Starting Stats:
Roughly 16% bf
Neck 15.75in
Waist 36.5in

Test prop 100mg ED 1 - 12
Anavar 100mg ED 1 - 8
Tren ace 50mg ED 2 - 10
T3 50mcg ED 2 - 9
Arimadex .125mg ED 1 - 13
hCG 250 iu biweekly 1 - 13

^Probably a little bit overkill for my goals, just wanted to experiment with the new compounds.
Once I hit my desired bf I'll drop the T3 to 25mcg daily. Also may be dropping the tren. Well see.
Var is for the connective tissue properties. Last cycle had some issues with tendon inflammation.

**I"ve only just added in the T3 about day #7 and the Tren day #9.

Following an Upper 1, Lower 1, rest, Upper 2, Lower 2 rest, rest style for the straight cutting phase. Will change this along with diet into a recomp style when I've dropped enough BF. Aiming for 40-60 reps per muscle group per week. Feel free to chime in if you feel this is too much - at the moment it seems fine. At only 3 working sets per muscle each session I'm going crazy wanting to do more!

6g Fish Oil Daily
1x Multivitamin Daily
Calcium 1200mg Daily
Vitamin D 2000iu Daily
100mg Zinc Chelate Daily
NAC 1200mg Daily

Follow along, any and all advice/critiques will be appreciated! Time to fucking kill it!!!
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Started this log a little late, bit of catching up to do. Here is the first session for this week.
Felt very weak and lethargic for some reason... perhaps due to lack of sleep over the weekend. Took
everything I had to go in and train lol. Pretty weak, but here it is:

(Lower 1)

Bird Dogs - 1min 30 secs x 2 sets
Plank - 1min <-- was shaking at the end of that one!!

220lb x 15 reps
220lb x 10 reps
264lb x 8 reps Really wasn't feeling it here... in hindsight should have put the
core work at the end of the workout. Alwell.

Leg Press
~350lbs x 20 reps
~350lbs x 18 reps
~350lbs x 18 reps

Calf Raises (toes pointed out)
~350lbs x 18 reps
~350lbs x 16 reps
~350lbs x 16 reps

Leg Curls
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps

Leg Extension
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps
Whole Stack x 10 reps

And that's it. Walked out feeling pretty miserable lol. Hoping the fatigue came from the
lack of sleep and not the T3, which is apparently quite common. We shall see tomorrow I guess.
Day #12 stats

Weight: 221lbs
Neck: 15.5inch
Waist: 35.25inch

Coming along nicely already! And this is only day 12 :D

about time you started this log man!

Have been waiting for it for weeks :)


Thanks brother! Hope the imperial system isn't too much for ya :p on board brother!

Good to have ya bro! Cheers

Subbed! Ready for the 'before' pics :)

Coming soon brother!

Watching this one too to see how your 1st Tren run goes... BigBen

Haha I'm just as keen to see how it goes too, done so much reading into Tren my heads gonna explode.

Thanks all for the support boys!
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Thanks brother! Hope the imperial system isn't too much for ya :p

To be honest with you, I'm not sure I can call you a fellow Australian any more.

Very unpatriotic using an outdated measuring system our country shelved in light of a better system years ago.
Might as well still talk in aussie pounds and shillings...
To be honest with you, I'm not sure I can call you a fellow Australian any more.

Very unpatriotic using an outdated measuring system our country shelved in light of a better system years ago.
Might as well still talk in aussie pounds and shillings...

Hahaha, you know my one true love is the Metric system.. just trying to accommodate our lesser evolved American friends :) You know how difficult it is for them to multiply by 2.2 :p
I'm fucking on board son. I know you are going to kill shit. Bring it brother. Btw- let me know how tren works for you. I've had a short stint with that beeaaatch and she was not good to me... Like to think I have a better head on my shoulders now, so asking her to dance with me next cycle again. Watching this closely. Good luck brother
I'm fucking on board son. I know you are going to kill shit. Bring it brother. Btw- let me know how tren works for you. I've had a short stint with that beeaaatch and she was not good to me... Like to think I have a better head on my shoulders now, so asking her to dance with me next cycle again. Watching this closely. Good luck brother

Thanks bro, glad to have you on board! You know it haha.. Yeah I'll be keeping a tight log on the tren sides/psychological changes. At the moment I'm happy all day long lol, who doesn't love the feeling of rising TT? :D Normally I'm a pretty relaxed guy so hoping the tren won't turn me crazy.. we'll see. Today was the 5th pin of Tren, nothing noticable yet. A little trouble sleeping last night but could be unrelated.
That's a lot of adex brother. You aromatize a lot? Definitely looking forward to your results and the journey there! :D
That's a lot of adex brother. You aromatize a lot? Definitely looking forward to your results and the journey there! :D

I do unfortunately :( Even off cycle. Bones in my forearms are starting to ache a bit though so I have backed off on it, down to 0.125mg ED. Will be needing bloods done to confirm, but TT should still be rising so I'll wait it out for now.

Update First signs of acne showing up this morning... couple pimples on my chest. That's where I usually get it worst - chest, then back. Face generally stays pretty clear. Not too bad at all though, if this is as bad as it gets I'd be ecstatic! Lol, here's hoping...
Following this one!

Let me know how the t3 treats you. Some say it makes you catabolic, even on cycle, others say its g2g @ 50mcg/day.
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Felt a bit better walking in to gym today. Had a few hefty waves of fatigue prior, a nice high carb & pro meal beforehand picked me up again though. Even if the T3 hasn't picked up my meta-bolic rate at all yet, I'm still in a pretty decent deficit (~800-1000cal.) I'm well used to high intensity exercise in extreme deficits so this isn't too bad yet. Strength & motivation taking a toll though.

(Upper 1)

Guillotine Press
132lb x 15 warm up
176lb x 10
220lb x 7
220lb x 5
176lb x 8

Cable Seated Row
15plates x 12
17plates x 7
15plates x 8

Barbell Curls
66lb x 10
66lb x 9
66lb x 8

Tricep Pulldown (rope)
10plates x 10
10plates x 10
10plates x 10

Lateral Dumbbell Raises
33lb x 6
28lb x 10
28lb x 8 (failure)

Bird Dogs
1min 30 secs x 2 sets

Chest pip held me back a bit on the guillotine press goddammit
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Felt a bit better walking in to gym today. Had a few hefty waves of fatigue prior, a nice high carb & pro meal beforehand picked me up again though. Even if the T3 hasn't picked up my meta-bolic rate at all yet, I'm still in a pretty decent deficit (~800-1000cal.) I'm well used to high intensity exercise in extreme deficits so this isn't too bad yet. Strength & motivation taking a toll though.

(Upper 1)

Guillotine Press
132lb x 15 warm up
176lb x 10
220lb x 7
220lb x 5
176lb x 8

Cable Seated Row
15plates x 12
17plates x 7
15plates x 8

Barbell Curls
66lb x 10
66lb x 9
66lb x 8

Tricep Pulldown (rope)
10plates x 10
10plates x 10
10plates x 10

Lateral Dumbbell Raises
33lb x 6
28lb x 10
28lb x 8 (failure)

Bird Dogs
1min 30 secs x 2 sets

Wow! I'm surprised you fitted all this in considering how long you must spend on 'Asteroids'!!! ;) :shoot5: