Damn. Guess I'm SOL. A couple years ago I went and saw a couple doctors and they all just say "I see no reason to have a hormone panel done, you're healthy". I tried making up different stories for each doc. "I don't have a sex drive anymore", "I cry during those animal abuse commercials". No luck.
On a second note- the doctors work for you, your the customer, they should give you what you want.
If I hire a car mechanic and tell him to change the oil, and I pay him to do it, he better listen to what the fuck I say and do it.. I'm paying the doc, do what the fuck I say or I'll slap you bitch.
Docs and no special class of citizens.
It's not that the doctors won't order the tests, it's that the insurance companies won't pay for them!
lol poor americans.... Your healthcare setup would drive me up the wall.
According to privatemdlabs I need to show id proving I do not live in one of the states they can not do testing in. I'm in Maryland.