

New member
how come this pro body-builders ..none of them have acne..not even single pimple... how this can be possible? what kinda medication they use ... they almost on 6 months straight on gear... even longer...

cause i have and my friends have acne problem with only 500mg test ent and eq 600 ...

i need help..... i`ve been using tanning not really helped
Bro are you sure they don't get acne? I've read that photos get airbrushed for magazines, but don't know it for a fact.

Silverback316 said:
When I worked at Gold's I never noticed any on Jay Cutler. Also other pro's have come in there and did photo shoots, etc and none of them had any either. I am curious to this to because from what I have seen they do not seem to break out, or at least if they do it is not all that noticeable.

You worked at the gym cutler goes to?!
I'm sure they get acne just like everybody else. They have a way of covering it especially for shows and photo shoots. Same goes for stretch marks.
I dont know about anyone else, but i tan during cycles and post cycle therapy (pct) b/c it dryes out any acne i have or might get.
any of you guys who break out should look into minocycline. Works well, and can be taken while you have food in your stomach, which is a must for people who train and eat.
Im asssuming if the pros did not have acne as a teen then they wont get any if on gear? I remember growing some lucky bastards never got a zit on their face and my face was a resting ground for zits.
The Pros get acne just like any other bodybuilders, but they use drugs to combat it, especially pre-contest. Remember, most professional bodybuilders are extremely indulged in knowing their biological systems and applying the appropriate chemicals to improve their appearance. They either do this themselves or they have someone else do it for them. They break out like everyone else.

PS - In regard to the magazine photos, yes, they air-brush the hell out of those pics to create the perfect look, totally blemish free!
Ive always wondered, like the wwf wrestlers, they dont ever seem to have any acne, whats the deal????accutane during cycle?
Iv you look closely at some pics, you will notice some acne concealed. I have seen numerouse pics of guys with red dots barle visable but there. You can tell they have been breaking out. But they do take a lot of shit to prevent it.
There is some shit Roaccutan (its called that in sweden anyways) It stopes the bodies production of acne, i aint no doctor but i know what it does... Have some friends who where on it and they dont get any more. it would be the same if u where on after doing them i guess?
Bast said:
There is some shit Roaccutan (its called that in sweden anyways) It stopes the bodies production of acne
That stuff is very very harsh on the body, it's called the same here in AUS I have had a few friends use it when they were younger, led to nose bleeds, migranes and all sorts of sides. I think acne is another one of those genetics things you either get it or you dont.
I'm on Isotane at the moment which is the same as Roaccutane it's terrible shit. What it does is reduces the amount of oil excreted by your pores and their by reducing the amount of acne. The side effects are it dries your lips, increases chances of nose bleeds, gives you sore muscles (not the greatest for us bodybuilders).

I was on it before I started training at the age of 15 and they totally vanished within 6 months. Then I started training at 17 and they flared up. I'm now 20 and are 2 weeks into another course of the shit.

It may not be much fun but it's the only way.
Tanning seems to help a LITTLE and only a little, accutane is what does the trick for me but I'm killing off acne that has been growing for around 18 months here. Most of it is in my lower back and back of the shoulders but it eventually migrated down my arm near my bicep area (a couple) and to the front of my chest.

The back is going to be a bad spot for a lot of people because of seats.