problem with crystalizing tren act


I,ve never had a problem when crystalizing test prop by means of saturation process. when converting syn-H.
but for the first time I tried syn-plus trying to crystalize tren act and ended up with a ruined product. heres what happened;
I dissolved 1cart of syn-plus in 30ml of methonal"heet" then I removed product off the top of sediment and put in put in separate jar, when I added my distilled water everything still looked I let it sit almost no crystal formed, not enough to scrape off the filter. so I let it set over night with a different batch still same results. so I wasted two carts. anyone had this problem? what the f--k!
I've never had this problem with test prop. need some guidance oh wise ones of the forum.

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Did you let it sit uncovered? If so, your hormone should have been floating in the water the next day.

Sounds like you did everything correctly.....the only thing I do different, is use a lot more methanol than you did.
Just curious why you would use Synovex plus which is Tren plus estradiol, when you can just use finaplix, or comp-th, which have the tren without the estradiol.
I let it set covered like I usaully do with test prop' I'll get somemore and try again.
how much methanol do you use?
I usually 30ml per 1 cart.
true, but it is more available to me. I work for a major vet catalog supply company. I can get the synovex for next to nothing. they don't carry fin, they do carry compudose but not comp-th
the only deal is I have to remove the estradiol which for the price is well worth it.

by the way MrT like your site, very helpful
I let mine sit uncovered.......that way , the methanol evaporates off, and leaves the hormone floating in the water.

I use about twice as much methanol as you do.
actualy i never even tried leaving it uncovered, to let the methanol evaporate. I'll give it a try if you say it works well for you.

after you let it set, and the meth evaporates,and you harvest your 1st batch of crystals, to get the your next batch, what, do you just add the same amount of meth back in. and start adding dist water
No, just add more dist water. The TA, and EB will come out of solution. TA looks totally different than TP. TP, as you know will make nice hard crystals. TA is kind of in suspension. It's light and flakey, and does not form crystals. You need a tight weave, thick filter. I use the min amt of meth possible(actually I like acetone better) to get them into solution, filter the goo out, rinse the goo in the filter many times, slowly add dist water until it looks like milk, let sit overnight, filter out the goodies. The goodies will not be crystals, so the filter needs to be thick.

The big Q: How do you get rid of the EB??
thats what this is when you crystalize the tp or ta
I don't know what you mean? The TP will form nice, hard, crystals if you add the water nice and slow, the TA makes kind-of wet flakes, that look suspended. I'm going to try to make the next batch even slower( add a ml of dist h2o, let sit a day, add a ml, let sit,...), to see if I can get better yield, and bigger crystals instead of flakes.