Progress pics. Good or bad feedback please

Hey man - looking studly - good work - now stay off the gear and add some muscle! you can add 20lbs easy in the next year - you got a great base!
Here is an update pic on my cutting. took this one today. Im pretty much where I want to be with my cutting for this summer.
Congrats, you now have low bodyfat but you really dont look like you lift weights. What are you, around 140lbs? You should be eating, not cutting and certainly not using steroids.
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Congrats, you now have low bodyfat but you really dont look like you lift weights. What are you, around 140lbs? You should be eating, not cutting and certainly not using steroids.

Yeah - what he said! estray is the man - he's got some good advice there buddy!
My diet at the moment is very clean and not big portions. about 6 meals throughout the day. trying to get as lean as possible. Chicks are loving my body on the beach :) lol

But next year in our winter Im going to hit a clean bulk for a few months to put on decent size.
Im actually not looking to have a bodybuilders' body. I'm want a very lean athletic body with decent size.

Dont you find it even slightly ironic that you need steroids to NOT look like a bodybuilder?

I do.
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i gotta say something my man. steroids r for when u have reached that stuck point that ur genetics have placed on u.u know all these ppl talk about cut this n cut that damn u know crackheads look cut too but where is the muscle..a cutting stack does one thing it allows u to maintain muscle while u r loosing bodyfat.i dont know what ur goals r but the unnecassary risk u r taking with anabolic steroids i see very clearly.u can achieve a low bodyfat physique without steroids ur bodytype allows this. u have about 35lbs of muscle potential until u need steroids.look at ur risk versus gains before u decide on ur next cycle.just some friendly advice.
here are uptaded cutting pics I took today
dont think you guys will like wat i did with the first pic.. lol
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Hahahaha funny pic dude. Grats on getting where u want to be - make the most of it this summer - bang all the babes you can! Then bulk up in the winter, but be good to your young body *& take care of it so that you'll still be bangin babes when your 70!

later man.
don't listen to the're in great shape for the summer...just take a long break from the juice, you don't need it right now.
as to the face implosion....i've seen someone drop the bar on their face before, but he def didnt' look like that after. buy that doctor a nice bottle of scotch, he deserves it.
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first off.....holy shit OW, barbell to the face, sorry man.

second off, damn you ur crib is it yours?

third, you look jacked man, u should have no problem gettin pussy if thats what ur after.

good job
first off.....holy shit OW, barbell to the face, sorry man.

second off, damn you ur crib is it yours?

third, you look jacked man, u should have no problem gettin pussy if thats what ur after.
good job

Oh yeah - is there any doubt? just remember us old married guys , dude and include some of the details so we can enjoy it second hand! hahahaha - good luck bro!
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