Progress pics. Good or bad feedback please

dude i think you're looking great! i agree that sometimes the male model look is more attractive than the b-builder look. who cares how big your guns are? look at your abs and your iliac crest def! you'll be melting panties on the beach bro..

that being said.. i do have to agree that you could have done this without steroids. maaaaybe not with as much muscle, but definitely as lean with abs and everything. cut out the rice and eat bigger at breakfast, tiny at dinner, no eating past 6pm, and include RAW veggies with every meal except breakfast.

at 1 point i weighed about 250lbs at 6'1". i had the dimensions of a linebacker, good and bad. all natural. then i acquired an obsession to get to male model status, ripped and thin with good muscle tone. so i became a man on a mission with my diet and cardio, only lifting a short full body circuit 2x a week of just machines. i wound up getting down to 170, and liking my results but still had some jiggle around the waist and needed more cuts in the abs. so continued to cut more little things out of my diet and moving up my eating cut-off time to 7pm, and increasing my cardio to 90 mins 5x a week. then got down to 165, and finally 160. thats 90lbs dropped from starting weight. i know that 160 for a guy my height sounds manorexic, but let me be clear that have genetically skinny frame, low bone density, low test count, and my mothers attributes. at 160 i had never felt happier with my body and my life. my abs and my hips and chest were shredded and everyone told me that i looked like a male model. my face had good shape and jaw contour, and the best part is that i still had alot of my muscle and strength! never in my life had i gotten more attention from girls and i finally was turning them down instead of the other way around lol. now let me also say that i feel like although i did not like being 250, if i hadnt done all that bulking for all those years i would not have looked so great at 160. i felt like i took the perfect course of action to look how i wanted to at 160. but the downside is it took 8 years. and i still didnt have that much size and my strength did take a big hit. although i looked much better and had more strength than any other guy my height at that weight, i couldnt bench press more than 165 for 5 reps. and for a guy who at one point was pressing 285 it took a toll on me. so i packed another 20 back on and was still happy at 190, a slight loss in ab def but i had my arms and back goin again and pressing 205 for 5. all still natural.

i know and am good friends with alot of avid lifters and athletes, im a personal trainer of 9 years. and i can tell you ive never met anyone that diets as hard as me, short of someone preparing for a show maybe. i have been told by my doc that i have low test and bone density. ive always had the wrists of a 9 year old no matter what weight i was at. i told him i was going to begin cycling aas and ofcourse he advised me against it but i promised him i would educate myself before starting.

i started my first cycle in summer 07. it was fake. although i did make some decent placebo gains i got ripped off. started my first real cycle in fall 07 of straight test prop 500mg. 12 weeks. 3 week PCT. got it from an in-gym source. and finally, FINALLY broke my genetic barrier! totally happy with my results. kept my diet squeaky clean and retained all my results. summer 08 started another cycle of test enanth straight for 10 weeks. not much more improvement from 1st cycle but i was holding strong at 190, 12%bf and benchin 245 for 5, squatting 315 for 5, and deadlifting 355 for 5 (reg park program, nothing better!) not staggering results to many of you, but for me it was like christmas! my bones and frame felt strong for the first time in my life, and the last time i was pressing 245 i was at 25%bf and my abs were non-existent.

which brings me to now.. my gym source moved to LA, probably to be a cross-dressing tap dancer or some shit, he was a fruitcake. anyway, this is the first time ive ordered online, and if it actually arrives i will be starting a 12 week cycle of test enanth/deca. i did some research and went with a highly recommended source so i feel good about it, but if i get scammed i am completely aware that i deserve it.

i feel like aas was a good choice for someone like me. i have put in my time and dieted hard for 10 years before i started. i earned my stripes. ive been working out longer and harder than 90% of the meatheads in my gym, and untill i started aas people didnt even believe i worked out with my shirt on. i more than hit my genetic barrier, on both ends of the spectrum. ive treated my body like a science project for years and became 100% familiar with what my body can and cant do naturally. and before i started cycling i followed advice of peers and did my research (although i can say that it is hard because alot of the knowledge you get from modern literature and science journals will be contested by some of the seasoned anabolic vets, even the ones on here, i always go with the vets advice) and to this day i feel great and look pretty good still. believe it or not alot of the aches and pains i used to have before aas are gone, including joint pains.

as soon as i find some good pics i will post them so you guys can see the weird metamorphasis my body has gone under over the last 12 years..

anyway in conclusion ADB007, i cant knock you for taking aas, i just think maybe you should be patient and consider putting in a little more time in the gym and the kitchen and see what you can get naturally before starting another cycle..

sorry for the novel, i hope some of this helps!

Great job man, you already know what I think. I know many people don't agree, but some people just prefer the male model/men's health look over the bigger and thicker look. Nothing wrong with either side, just preference.
Good evolution. No steroids for you.

and also. Smile guy. we are winner here... no kind of gay matchoman.
Fuck the haters man, half the people on this site only think BIGGER is better. You look pretty solid and cut up, good shape bro and good work bro. Add a bit to your upper chest and will be exceptional.

Thanks bud I appreciate the feedback

I agree that my upper chest needs work. I am also focusing on my legs, biceps and posture
Dude - Nice Pic - very sexy - what u going to do with that? Make greeting cards? LOL

Keep up the hard work!
LOL you really just post pics off yourself on this site?!?!

I bet your personality is warm and cudly.
LOL you really just post pics off yourself on this site?!?!

I bet your personality is warm and cudly.

Oh come on - you just wanna get one of those greeting cards with the abs that says "I was going to buy you a six-pack for your birthday..." ;-)