Progress Pics Nov 05 & Mar 06


New member
So here are some pictures of me in November 2005 & March 2006. The difference = Bulknutrition's CEE. Not too sure if it helped much. I've been on Cell-Tech before (January 2005 Pic) and had definitely noticeable strength/size gains but I felt bloated all the time. Not to mention that I got cocky with the weights, injured my shoulder, and had to lay off the weights for 5-6 months (cardio time). November 05 I started slowly working my way back into lifting but now with CEE as opposed to Cell-Tech. These are my stats:

26yrs old

Any comments, criticisms, or advice on where I should advance would be greatly appreciated!

2005 Pics Below
Image 1=Cell Tech (Jan 05)/Image 2-4=No supplements (Nov 05)


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keep working them abs..don't let it go to nothing
also back needs work
and chest
I'd say give it another year bro and you'd be huge
oh and post routine/diet