progress update on anadrol deca and test stack


New member
Hi all just thought id give an update on my progress.

Wk 1-6 anadrol 50mg ed
Wk 1-12 deca 200mg twice/wk
Wk 1-14 test e 312mg twice/wk
Wk 1-16 test p 100mg eod

Wk 1-17 starting at .5mg adex eod

Pct wk 17 nolva 40mg ed
Pct wk 18-21 nolva 20mg ed

Currently sitting at wk 5...found that at wk 3 anadrol at levelled of so upped to 75mg ed...working well.

In hindsight...found that maybe i should have started the adex 2 wks earlier as got puffy areolas and possibly first stage of gyno...pain and systoms have subsided but a few small lumps...tried finding out some info regarding puffy areola...seems to be fairly common but also added some caber...seems to have actually reduced the puffyness to a large degree.

No water retention from the anadrol, gains have not been great as my appetite is shot so force feeding to a large degree. But still managed 3kg at 50mg then when upped to 75mg put on another 2kg. Bonus is ive pretty much added around 25%-30% in strength on average.
Refresh me on ur stats like
height weight

Is this cycle number ???????

THAT stack will ( and has it would seem) make my mama s strength go ape. Enjoy the ride but mind your soft connective tissue or you ll be arthritic old feeble fuck like me.
Good u reversed the puffiness , consider urs a gifted life. Glad it s working out....75 mg adrol a day...there s your apetite suppression and yellow tint in your vision...jkg...ur liver hates u right now but carry on I reckon.....
Hi all just thought id give an update on my progress.

Wk 1-6 anadrol 50mg ed
Wk 1-12 deca 200mg twice/wk
Wk 1-14 test e 312mg twice/wk
Wk 1-16 test p 100mg eod

Wk 1-17 starting at .5mg adex eod

Pct wk 17 nolva 40mg ed
Pct wk 18-21 nolva 20mg ed

Currently sitting at wk 5...found that at wk 3 anadrol at levelled of so upped to 75mg ed...working well.

In hindsight...found that maybe i should have started the adex 2 wks earlier as got puffy areolas and possibly first stage of gyno...pain and systoms have subsided but a few small lumps...tried finding out some info regarding puffy areola...seems to be fairly common but also added some caber...seems to have actually reduced the puffyness to a large degree.

No water retention from the anadrol, gains have not been great as my appetite is shot so force feeding to a large degree. But still managed 3kg at 50mg then when upped to 75mg put on another 2kg. Bonus is ive pretty much added around 25%-30% in strength on average.
is this your first cycle?
Have done roughly 8 cycles over 5 years...except last year trying for kids so didnt want to shake the system around...usually 3 months on 3 months off.

6ft and only a light weight at 85kg pre cycle weight.
Never know my bf but judging from mates and their percentage would guess 10-12%.

Tried tren ace...deca...test e, prop and cyp...primobolin...sus 250...and a few blended products.
Yeah i knew the appetite was going to suffer but i underestimated how much... i love to eat so its hard only being able to stomach 4 meals...have been takin liver cleanse and some cranberry juice and drinking 10L water plus a day...
Never heard of nac...similar to like a liv52?? Liver definitely is working hard...drinking lime 10L a day and still pissin dark colour
It's everywhere. You can get it from RUI at the top of the page. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water. Gallon+ per day...
Thanks tbonexl much appreciated...also just noticed for all that have view this thread...that i have prop for wk 1 to 16.'s actually just weekk 14 to 16...
yeah RUI has NAC and i would highyl rec it.
im about to start my cycle now and although i have a bunch of orals tucked away (dbol, var, winny, drol superdrol) and am tempted to add an oral.. i have noticed it just messes with my hunger regardless of what it is (even var, but more mild) so i have told my self NO orals when bulking OR very short duration. because its just too hard to get food in and i feel sick at times when i force it in.
I think from now on i will use up my orals in cutters or recomp cycles when in spring or summer.
i just find orals mess with me too much, but damn it i want to use one since i got a bunch :,(

anways I also rec getting ginger root pills from health store a 1-2 of those during day will help hunger big time! even tumeric pills will, i like ginger for this though
I totally agree juiced porkchop...hungrr suffered and force feeding just made me ill..just came off 5wk of adrol...and almost instantly felt hungry after my last tablet the next morning...back to eating normally which is good...will see tonight what my strength does after a few days of not in the weight room.
Cycle update..Well i dropped the adrol at wk 5...its now week 8...dropped 2 kg overall put on 3kg so 6.5 lbs. Not impressed with gains this time round starting to think dodgey gear...eating well training hard but gains seem to be less than usual.

Currently sitting at 400mg of deca and 750mg of test e.

Bonus is i havent lost any strength from coming off adrol.

Any suggestions??
Cycle update..Well i dropped the adrol at wk 5...its now week 8...dropped 2 kg overall put on 3kg so 6.5 lbs. Not impressed with gains this time round starting to think dodgey gear...eating well training hard but gains seem to be less than usual.

Currently sitting at 400mg of deca and 750mg of test e.

Bonus is i havent lost any strength from coming off adrol.

Any suggestions??

Bloods will be the only way to show how over/under dosed your gear is. Plus with all the orals will be a good idea to see where everything else is at. One thing I would add and surprised that no one else said anything about it, is Clomid. You need Clomid along with Nolva for the Pct. Nolva alone will not do it. Good luck with the cycle!!