Prohormone NCAA Detection Help!


New member
Ok so I am going to be in college on August 22nd and I am playing Division 1 baseball. So I will be getting drug tested by the NCAA. My concern is that I have taken two cycles of prohormones and I do not know if they are still in my system. My first cycle was of Predator Plexx in December-January and my second cycle was of some brand of methylstenbolone in April for a week. Can someone help me out here? Thanks
Ok so I am going to be in college on August 22nd and I am playing Division 1 baseball. So I will be getting drug tested by the NCAA. My concern is that I have taken two cycles of prohormones and I do not know if they are still in my system. My first cycle was of Predator Plexx in December-January and my second cycle was of some brand of methylstenbolone in April for a week. Can someone help me out here? Thanks

You'll be fine. The half-life of these steroid molecules isn't long.