Prohormone with real Test?


New member
Hopefully posting this in the right spot. I have use some real gear off on for the last few years. I haven't touch legal stuff since all the good stuff got banned in about 06. My last order got screwed up for my next cycle which would have been:
500mg Test-e/ week 400-500mg EQ/ week for 12 weeks run with proper Aromatase inhibitor (AI) etc.
So anyway I ended up with all test and no EQ. :bawling: Can anyone provide me with any hard evidence that there is a prohormone on the market that will deliver at least close to the same results as the EQ would have produced in this cyle if run with the same 500mg/week of Test-E. Just frustrated and dont want to wait 4 weeks for more gear plus the stress of wire transfers, customs etc.



***technically steroids as they dont need to convert

which PH contains SUPERDROL. I ran this stuff back in '05 when in came out. Highly kidney toxic but it works. It looks as if Primobol form Powerlab is very close in make up. that sound correct to anyone?
hard proof...look at how many poeple are using them and what their results are. They are only couple of things on the dark side

AAS(which PHs also fall under this category because they are PRO-Hormone)
and SARMs

that's about it.
thank you for your sharing, it is so useful to me.

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