Prohormones and Ladies


Sleep, Snap or Tap
Would you guys recommend a woman running prohormones for some lean muscle gains?

If so which ones? and would she reduce the dosages at all?

Wife is looking to increase strength, and lean muscles. She has been a gym rat for about 3 years, aerobics, boxing and lifting moderate level weights.
ahh PH's are not for her. A peptide would be much better. it would restore or improve her GH levels which will allow for more muscle growth, fatloss, etc etc.

A side benefit will be her nails, hair, skin will improve also. She will need to pin it tho.

otherwise anavar is pretty much the only AAS women use. and EQ.
ahh PH's are not for her. A peptide would be much better. it would restore or improve her GH levels which will allow for more muscle growth, fatloss, etc etc.

A side benefit will be her nails, hair, skin will improve also. She will need to pin it tho.

otherwise anavar is pretty much the only AAS women use. and EQ.

Excellent reply.
Would you guys recommend a woman running prohormones for some lean muscle gains?

If so which ones? and would she reduce the dosages at all?

Wife is looking to increase strength, and lean muscles. She has been a gym rat for about 3 years, aerobics, boxing and lifting moderate level weights.
low dose of EPI or Halodrol and by low i mean like 10mg per day of Epi or 25mg per day of Halodrol.
When determining which AAS are the best choices for women desiring to ward off masculinization as much as possible, we must look for one thing. We must locate AAS which supply the lowest androgenic effect per effective dose. When using only a steroid's A:A ratio in order to determine which drugs are best suited for this purpose, one could easily be led astray, as a steroid's A:A ratio tells us nothing about the steroid's effective dosing range. A steroid could have the best A:A ratio in the world, but if a woman needs to use 1000 mg of it per week in order to see good results, it could end up supplying a much more pronounced androgenic effect than a steroid with an inferior A:A ratio, but which can be used in significantly lower dosages, while seeing equal or better results.

Traditionally, Ana Anavar (var) has been recognized as the "safest" steroid, in terms of masculinizing side effects. This is largely because not only does Ana Anavar (var) have an androgenic rating of only 20, but a woman generally does not need to use much to see good results, at least for a beginner.

Steroids such as EQ, Primo, or even Winstrol have also been traditional 2nd choices, as they provide a stronger androgenic component per mg, but still much lower than adrug such as testosterone. However, drugs such as EQ, Winstrol, and Primo have alos been known to cause androgenic side effects in some women, especially as the dose rises. Today, there is no reason for a woman wishing to avoid masculinization to EVER use a drug like EQ. In reality, EQ is a poor drug for a woman wishing to avoid these side effects, as not only does EQ typically provide a weaker muscle building effect per mg than many other steroids, but it is a full 50% as androgenic as testosterone. Therefore, in order to use EQ at an effective dosage, a woman's androgen level will be well in excess of what is considered "safe" for the complete avoidance of masculinization.

One poster her mentioned some "PH's". The truth is that some of today's designer steroids are some of the very best drugs for building muscle while minimizing androgenic activity (today's most effective OTC steroids are usually not PH's at all, but are 100% genuine methylated steroids, just like dianabol or Anadrol). In fact, listen carefully, 2 of today's OTC steroids not only supply an androgenic component as weak an Ana Anavar (var) 's, per mg, but they're even more effective at building muscle tissue, per mg. This means that a lady could use one of these drugs at a dose equal to Ana Anavar (var) , build more muscle, and not expose herself to any more androgenic avtivity. Or...she could use a smaller dose of one of these OTC steroids compared to Ana Anavar (var) , build an equal amount of muscle, and expose herself to a lesser amount of androgenic activity.

These 2 drugs are E[istane and Superdrol. Before any scoffs and makes a fool out of themselves due to ignorance, remember than Anavar (var) has an androgenic rating of 20...well so does Epistane and SD. Epistane & SD are extrenely weak androgens...just as weak as Anavar (var) , per mg. This is why no one ever experience masculinizing side effects when using them, just like Anavar (var) . However, Epistane has a greater myotropic effect (muscle building), per mg, than Anavar (var) . When it comes to SD, SD desorys Anavar (var) is terms of msucle building potential, per mg.

A lady could use just 5 mg of SD per day, which would provide the androgenic equivalent of 5 mg of Anavar (var) , yet it would build an amount of muscle equal to at least 40-50 mg of Anavar (var) per day. How many women would like to build that amount of msucle while experiencing an androgenic effect equal to only 5 mg of Anavar (var) ? A LOT! If a lady chose to use 10 mg of SD per day, she would still only have to deal with the androgenic equivalent of 10 mg of Anavar (var) per day, yet she would build muscle many times as least as well as 100 mg of Anavar (var) !

The bottom line is that SD, despite being known as a "harsh" steroid, is one of the most benign steroids in production today when it comes to andrgenic potency. Hell, a woman just starting out could take only 2.5 mg of SD per day, stand virtually zero chance of suffering even the slightest degree of masculinization, yet build way more muscle than what an equal dose of Anavar (var) would build. However, SD is a fairly liver toxic steroid (although not very much at those lower dosages), and will cause some people to suffer appetite suppression, depression, lethargy, etc.

Epistane is not as potent a muscle builder as SD, but it does exceed Anavar (var) on a mg per mg basis....while being equally androgenic. Epistance is also pretty much side effects appetite suppression, lethagy, etc. Today, I consider Epistane to be the premiere beginner's AAS for women wishing to avopid masculinization at all costs. the reasoning is simple. It is as low in sides as Anavar (var) , does not have any greater of an androgenic effects, abd builds more msucle. It is also only mildly liver toxic, like Anavar (var) . I have switched my female clients from Anavar (var) to Epistane and by an large, they get better results than Anavar (var) , without experiencing any masculinization at all.

Cynostane is also another ASS which has an androgenic rating of 20, but is at least as strong as Anavar (var) , per mg, when it comes to building muscle.

If we look at all categories of PED's, the one with the absolute lowest androgenic effect is Ostarine. Ostarine is not an AAS, but a SARM which displays almpost non-existent androgenic activity. In a beginning feamle AAS user, it will build noticable amounts of msucle tissue and due to its very weak androgenic component, it can be used for months withouit any issues in that area. Ostarine, like all AAS, may stop a woman's period briefly, but it will resume upon cessation of use.

I have written articles on Ostarine, SD, Epsiane, as well as some articles on AAS use in women. The fact of the matter is that the landscape has changed dramatically when it comes to AAS and women...and many of them are just now starting to figure it out. I could go on forever about this subject, but I am getting tired.

One last poster in this thread mentioned Halodrol as possible steroid for use in women (it is technically a cross between a DS and PH). Yes, it can be used safely (safer than EQ, that is for sure), as it does supply a rather weak androgenic effect...and when dosed proplery, women will get greater results without experiencing any masculinizing side effects. Still, Epistane, SD, Cynostane, and Ostarine are all androgenically weaker, per mg, than well as more effective muscle builders. Perhaps only Ostarine is a weaker muscle builder than Halo. Note: When I mention Cynostane, I am referring only to a single steroid known as Cynostane. IML makes an OTC steroid product called Cynostane, which is a combination of both Cynostane and Dimethazine. The addition of Dimethazine, due to its androgenic potency, makes IML's Cynostane product less than ideal for women.
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For crying out loud Mike --- you could make your posts so much more concise lol....

It is possible -- trust me!

Yes , low androgenic, moderate anabolic, short half-life drugs are best used on females for obvious reasons for avoiding masculine side effects.

I had some women use Turinabol LV and reported low-to no side effects - just muscle gain.

For crying out loud Mike --- you could make your posts so much more concise lol....

It is possible -- trust me!

Yes , low androgenic, moderate anabolic, short half-life drugs are best used on females for obvious reasons for avoiding masculine side effects.

I had some women use Turinabol LV and reported low-to no side effects - just muscle gain.


I've tried...not possible. :) In reality, could be shortened, but at the expense of delivering an adequate explanation as to "why" things are the way they are. Had I simply put down a few sentences, many readers would not have understood why I said what I said. This is the reason for "articles". If someone doesn't want to read what I post, they don't have's really that simple. My style is not going to change at this me.

Even better than a weak androgen with moderate anabolic activity would be a weak androgen with STRONG anabolic activity, such as SD. SD is the single best AAS a woman could use to build muscle, while keeping androgenic side effects at bay. No other steroid will exceed its ability to build lean tissue while delivering such a weak androgenic component.

I have looked at every AAS in production today and at this point, nothing surpasses it for this purpose. A major advanatge for female users is that they don't require the same doses as males, which means toxicity issues are no longer really a concern, assuming cycle lengths are kept reasonable.
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