Prolactin based gyno from low dose npp


New member
I personally havent had any prolactin issues using 250mgs per wk of npp with 200mgs of test prop... ive kept estrogen controlled and i feel that proves the theory of prolactin not being an issue if you keep estrogen under control.... or is it because its low dose of the 19nor?
Sometimes prolactin takes time to build to the point it becomes an issue. How long have you been on this cycle wiyh these dosages?
Like milt mentioned, use an AI properly prolactin problems are generally a mute point. High e2 using 19nors and prolactin issues are much more likely
not everyone is prone to prolactin on NPP, deca, tren.

if it aint broke don't fix it.

if you get sensitive nipples. caber 0.25 twice a week will reverse it.
I personally havent had any prolactin issues using 250mgs per wk of npp with 200mgs of test prop... ive kept estrogen controlled and i feel that proves the theory of prolactin not being an issue if you keep estrogen under control.... or is it because its low dose of the 19nor?

It doesn't prove anything but I have used 1 gram a week of deca and close to that with tren and never had a problem. If you are worried about gyno, a serm like nolvadex is best.
It doesn't prove anything but I have used 1 gram a week of deca and close to that with tren and never had a problem. If you are worried about gyno, a serm like nolvadex is best.

gyno due to deca,NPP,tren is due to prolactin and not estrogen. so nolva will do nothing here.. you need caber