prolactin gyno or estro gyno???


New member
Im about to finish my test prop and tren ace cycle. im doing 100mg of tren ace and test prop EOD, and i have been eating 20mg of nolva for the last 10 days. My nipples are starting to get puffy and i have small lumps in both of my nipples, and i just squeezed one nipple and it did came a clear liquid which really freaked me out. I do have nolvadex, but i dont want to take yet because i have heard it can make the gyno even worse if its prolactin gyno. I cant get letro, caber or armidex where i live. only nolva at the moment. so what do you guys suggest i do? b6 vitamin or what ?
Well they do work, and they work well, as in being correctly dosed. You trust your steroids to work do you not? Do you realize RUI PAYS MONEY to advertise on here and must meet requirements? Your brain is to small, leave the gains to the big boys, this game is not for you.

watch what happens if products are used should be able to eliminate sides
Im about to finish my test prop and tren ace cycle. im doing 100mg of tren ace and test prop EOD, and i have been eating 20mg of nolva for the last 10 days. My nipples are starting to get puffy and i have small lumps in both of my nipples, and i just squeezed one nipple and it did came a clear liquid which really freaked me out. I do have nolvadex, but i dont want to take yet because i have heard it can make the gyno even worse if its prolactin gyno. I cant get letro, caber or armidex where i live. only nolva at the moment. so what do you guys suggest i do? b6 vitamin or what ?
I highly doubt your "gyno" is prolactin related if in fact it's "gyno" at all... your tren dosage was on the low end and even when running high dosages of tren (1gr+) gyno is NOT common, quite rare in fact. On the positive side, if u do have progesterone related gyno it WILL in most cases just go away on it's own, unlike it's dirty cousin that can be with u for life ;)

there is TOO much paranoia going around the net these days about progesterone gyno... it almost never happens (bodybuilders have been running deca in 2-3gr dosages per wk for many decades now and u almost never here of them getting it)... test is the culprit, 99.9% of the time... guess u'll be smart next time and run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the beginning to prevent something from happening rather than trying to fight a fire once it's already burning outta control
Nvr nvr nvr use Nolva with a 19 nor compound such as tren unless you want tits. Someone didn't do there homework
Well they do work, and they work well, as in being correctly dosed. You trust your steroids to work do you not? Do you realize RUI PAYS MONEY to advertise on here and must meet requirements? Your brain is to small, leave the gains to the big boys, this game is not for you.

leave the gains for the big boys? F u... i have been gaining 45lbs since late 2009 and i started to use steroids in august 2011.
leave the gains for the big boys? F u... i have been gaining 45lbs since late 2009 and i started to use steroids in august 2011.

haha peeps are so sensitive on this board. All he said was he didnt trust RUI. Is that really need to bash him and say his brain is small? People are allowed to be skeptical....
Really Great navigation skills! Because they have their OWN FORUM PAGE on steroidology WITH MANY reviews! Or did you mean in you have never herd AUDIBLE words about them..? This is me talking to you like a child.

There goes CFM's 1st Place ASSHOLE Title.

I'll admit I've been outdone.
seeing as noone anwers on my post ill ask it here, I readed that if you have gyno you'll feel a pea sized hard lump, how hard is it, can it be mistaken for muscle or fat? Is it inside the nipple or between nipple and muscle? I think I dont have anything hard inside but one nipple is like a cm more raised than the other, whos completely plain and feels soft
seeing as noone anwers on my post ill ask it here, I readed that if you have gyno you'll feel a pea sized hard lump, how hard is it, can it be mistaken for muscle or fat? Is it inside the nipple or between nipple and muscle? I think I dont have anything hard inside but one nipple is like a cm more raised than the other, whos completely plain and feels soft

you definetly feel the lump if you have one. On my first steroid cycle i was always feeling my nipples, because i was paranoid about getting gyno, when i acutally didnt have it. but now i got these hard lumps under my nipple, so im 100% sure im starting to get gyno. And its between the nipple and muscle where i have it.
Really Great navigation skills! Because they have their OWN FORUM PAGE on steroidology WITH MANY reviews! Or did you mean in you have never herd AUDIBLE words about them..? This is me talking to you like a child.

Go clean the sand out of your ass man, or go cry somewhere else.
you definetly feel the lump if you have one. On my first steroid cycle i was always feeling my nipples, because i was paranoid about getting gyno, when i acutally didnt have it. but now i got these hard lumps under my nipple, so im 100% sure im starting to get gyno. And its between the nipple and muscle where i have it.

You feel the lumps by pressing the nipple or pinching it? I noticed that if I raise my arm so my chest is streched there is nothing on my nipple nor it is puffy, my nipples doesnt hurt at all but one of them is a bit raised, I think it might be just water retention but only on one of them?
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You feel the lumps by pressing the nipple or pinching it? I noticed that if I raise my arm so my chest is streched there is nothing on my nipple nor it is puffy, my nipples doesnt hurt at all but one of them is a bit raised, I think it might be just water retention but only on one of them?

i felt it by pinching it. i felt something hard behind my nipple and between the mucle and the nipple. but i have never had sensitive nipple. but how is your cycle???