Promised pics awhile ago and here they are


New member
Anyone have a guess at my BF%?
The chest shot is bad, I was not flexing so try to keep the flaming to a minimum :rolleyes:
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Yeah you got some descent size for sure, even in the relaxed shot. Yeah you are smooth, so you don't look as big as you could look.

Got some good lats in the back shot for sure, & traps look great in the front shot.

You got an awesome start there for sure. You should post some stats. I bet you can move some descent weight around already too.
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khalnayak said:
Back looks good but you need to get rid of the fat on your chest.
khal, I was just joking about the flaming :)
Thanks for the suggestion.
I am on a 12wk test e cycle but as soon as I am done with post cycle therapy (pct) I am gonna start to cut it up. Figured since I was already soft might as well get big as hell then cut it up.
mesomorph said:
Yeah you got some descent size for sure, even in the relaxed shot. Yeah you are smooth, so you don't look as big as you could look.

Got some good lats in the back shot for sure, & traps look great in the front shot.

You got an awesome start there for sure. You should post some stats. I bet you can move some descent weight around already too.
Thanks Mesomorph.

I don't think I lift all that much for my size these days. Had knee surgery 1.5 months ago and that slowed me down quite a bit.

Any guesses to BF#?
I can't believe you left out the're fired you big fucker.

hey, don't look now but I think you got a couple tumors or something...two big masses on your shoulders....oh wait...those are traps...nevermind.

'bout time you put up the pics....

looking forward to your progress.
personally it kinda looks like it, if SD is really as rough as i've heard it is, might be the culprate, or i might be compltely mistaken and i apologize
I always thought I had some gyno from puberty but never worried about it.
I am in 3 weeks into a 600mg Test E cycle right now.
I have done SD, M1T, and the old S1+ back in the day but my chest has always looked that way, just smaller. I always post cycle therapy (pct) with Nolva so pretty sure it is just from puberty. Might have to see how I can get rid of it after this cycle is done. Any ideas?
Furian said:
I can't believe you left out the're fired you big fucker.

hey, don't look now but I think you got a couple tumors or something...two big masses on your shoulders....oh wait...those are traps...nevermind.

'bout time you put up the pics....

looking forward to your progress.

Since the surgery on my knee I am ashamed of the wheels :(
And you ain't no small noob yourself there Hoss.
i heard this shit lion has is really good i think its called letro or suttin idk. he was tellin me about it a while ago, i personally have bad puberty gyno and i would like a good way to get rid of it, check some of my old threads and you might come up with some good products to use.