Promised pics awhile ago and here they are

hmlacrosse said:
i heard this shit lion has is really good i think its called letro or suttin idk. he was tellin me about it a while ago, i personally have bad puberty gyno and i would like a good way to get rid of it, check some of my old threads and you might come up with some good products to use.
Just so happens I have some letro lying around in a drawer somewhere...
uberman said:
Screw you.

Yeah. Where are the mods tonight. I have seen a few shakey posts around. Folks exposing a bad source in another thread, now you are getting openly flamed.

Shit like this makes me wonder sometimes. This is the coolest freaking hobby around, and then you get this kind of treatment from all your "buddies" also into the same sport.
mesomorph said:
Yeah. Where are the mods tonight. I have seen a few shakey posts around. Folks exposing a bad source in another thread, now you are getting openly flamed.

Shit like this makes me wonder sometimes. This is the coolest freaking hobby around, and then you get this kind of treatment from all your "buddies" also into the same sport.

I am hoping he was just kiding meso.
It is a bad pic of my chest.
Maybe I will reshoot some more recent ones that might be better.
haha i think they're just giving u constructive critisizm, and ik you didn't take it to heart bra, aha no worries, keep the pics coming.
mesomorph said:
Yeah. Where are the mods tonight. I have seen a few shakey posts around. Folks exposing a bad source in another thread, now you are getting openly flamed.

Shit like this makes me wonder sometimes. This is the coolest freaking hobby around, and then you get this kind of treatment from all your "buddies" also into the same sport.
Im right here, and yea he has some decent sized tits in that pic. What? Were supposed to coddle every guy with 10 posts who throws a pic up for judgement. Nope, sorry. Call it like you see it guys, if they want to be critiqued, that includes good AND bad.
imo if the person who made the tread takes the critique to heart, and gets upset, is when "flaming" begins, but if hes asked to be critiqued then he's askin for it all, haha, good looks n e ways

keep it reeeel
and im sure if you kinda flex/pull you're chest up they look more like pecs, it's kind of a relaxed position
DougoeFre5h said:
Im right here, and yea he has some decent sized tits in that pic. What? Were supposed to coddle every guy with 10 posts who throws a pic up for judgement. Nope, sorry. Call it like you see it guys, if they want to be critiqued, that includes good AND bad.

I did call it like I saw it, I think the comments were rude.
Well the next time I will flex them.
Guess they do ride kinda low. No wonder I get hot when I look in the mirror....