prop/tren/mast etc 16 week ride courtesy of AML


New member
just got this one underway... a 16 week prop/tren/mast run that's gonna get me further down the track on the lean train ;)

here's what it looks like:

test prop 100mg eod
tren ace 100mg eod
mast prop 100mg eod

anavar 80mg ed (will begin this week 4 when the other compounds are good and rollin)

proviron 50mg ed
aromasin 6.25mg ed
nolva 10mg ed

all gear courtesy of AML, huge appreciation to them

currently 235, 12%

diet has been pretty strict over the last few months, basically just chicken/greens or beef/greens 4-6 times per day (boring, but it works). I eat one whole grain piece of toast (no butter) in the morning with 4 poached eggs, that's my usual breakfast. So carbs are quite low, protein is high enough and training is coming along.

Had my breakfast about an hour ago, have had 1L of water and two cups of coffee up til now, will be heading to the gym shortly to train chest and a bit of cardio. When I get home it will be two burgers (no bun) will broccoli chopped up in a bowl to eat with a spoon. I'll eat that twice, then will have chicken/spinach the same way two times before bed.

well, don't wanna ramble too much in this first entry for this ride... more to follow... all aboard the lean train, choo choo
Disregard my question in the other thread, found this one.

What kind of overall macros/calories are you shooting for right now?

Subscribed btw.
I'm also curious about the provi - most of what I've read suggests its a really weak addition to a cycle.

What's your thinking behind adding it to your run?
its a hell of a cycle.. i personally wouldn't run tren that long.. the last time i did 12 weeks of tren ace my doc thought i had kidney failure afterwords lol..

great question on the diet and macros.. the cycle looks legit.. but the diet will be the deciding factor
just got this one underway... a 16 week prop/tren/mast run that's gonna get me further down the track on the lean train ;)

here's what it looks like:

test prop 100mg eod
tren ace 100mg eod
mast prop 100mg eod

anavar 80mg ed (will begin this week 4 when the other compounds are good and rollin)

proviron 50mg ed
aromasin 6.25mg ed
nolva 10mg ed

all gear courtesy of AML, huge appreciation to them

currently 235, 12%

diet has been pretty strict over the last few months, basically just chicken/greens or beef/greens 4-6 times per day (boring, but it works). I eat one whole grain piece of toast (no butter) in the morning with 4 poached eggs, that's my usual breakfast. So carbs are quite low, protein is high enough and training is coming along.

Had my breakfast about an hour ago, have had 1L of water and two cups of coffee up til now, will be heading to the gym shortly to train chest and a bit of cardio. When I get home it will be two burgers (no bun) will broccoli chopped up in a bowl to eat with a spoon. I'll eat that twice, then will have chicken/spinach the same way two times before bed.

well, don't wanna ramble too much in this first entry for this ride... more to follow... all aboard the lean train, choo choo

I'm trying to have protein 300gr+ and carbs kept to <100gr 5 or 6 days per week, with have at least one day where I up the carb intake to about equal in grams to my protein. Water intake at min 6L. Only other thing going into my body will be coffee at 2 or 3 times per day (especially preworkout, usually early afternoon) just to keep me going..
Very cool. I ill be following along. I have test/ deca/dbol and most all the ancillaries on the way courtesy of them I will be logging as well. Cant wait to get started. Just got pre cycle blood work.
what are the goals with this cycle??
I'm trying to have protein 300gr+ and carbs kept to <100gr 5 or 6 days per week, with have at least one day where I up the carb intake to about equal in grams to my protein. Water intake at min 6L. Only other thing going into my body will be coffee at 2 or 3 times per day (especially preworkout, usually early afternoon) just to keep me going..
what are the goals with this cycle??

goal is to gradually get leaner over the 16 weeks, down to 10% or lower, while trying to maintain fullness. I think after this run I'll have a good idea where my physique needs to improve if I do plan to compete in the coming year... over 40 now, so why not ;)
cycle looks legit like i said..

i think your carbs are a bit too low at 100g.. your liver starts producing glucose when your carbs are that low.. might as well take them up a little

actually, ideally you would do amazing running a carb cycle with this gear.. it would be amazing..
cycle looks legit like i said..

i think your carbs are a bit too low at 100g.. your liver starts producing glucose when your carbs are that low.. might as well take them up a little

actually, ideally you would do amazing running a carb cycle with this gear.. it would be amazing..

I'm going to give it a try, I do like that sound of amazing
got through a good session of chest today... machine flyes, incline smith, flat dumbbell, incline dumbbell, machine presses, dips... then cardio, and home
oats, sweet potatoes, rice... made me strong as f**k when I was at 290... I get some sweet potatoes in the odd time over the week now, just trying to see how lean I can get. The hardest part about keeping on this lean train is the punch to my ego having my strength nowhere to be found... but I'm looking good, for 40 that is ;)
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had a good shoulder workout this morning, couldn't press a 35 a side on the hammer shoulder by the end...

got home, had 3 burgers (no bun, just a dab of bbq sauce on each) with some boiled spinach... 4 more meals, then another day tomorrow
I'm looking good, for 40 that is ;)

There are 40 year olds out there, hell 45-50 that look better than me. I'm ok with that - it gives me something to look forward to.

Keep killing it! I'm cutting hard, too - had a very dissapointing flat bench session yesterday, but that comes with the territory...down 21lbs in about four weeks, something has to give lol.

We're all going to make it :D
just put together one of the best salads I've ever had...

3 burgers (just the meat)
one small tomato
5 strawberries
some dried cranberries
a peach
hot sauce
2 tspns of bbq sauce
sprinkle of feta cheese
chopped walnuts

threw it in a bowl... and I'll sure have one of these again
1L water, piece of whole grain toast, 5 boiled eggs, 2 cups a coffee... then off to the gym for legs...

feeling lean and tight this morning and that tren aura is starting to work it's magic