Prostate problems with TRT?


New member
Hi, have extreme problems with my prostate since any weeks.
Has anyone on TRT or on cycles also problems with it?

Think I have to undergo a TURP surgery, because I don't tolerate de drugs against it.
Have an apointment in two days with a doctor.
There is a body of people who think prostate problems are caused by estrogen, not by testosterone or DHT. They base this in part on men in their early 20's who have the highest testosterone of their life, and don't have prostate issues. Older me who tend to have rising estrogen and falling free test tend to be those who get the issues.

One thing for sure, the prostate is beyond critical for sexual functioning and pleasure, I would want to be 100% sure of any diagnosis that recommended doing any intervention on it.

You might get a better answer if you could post up your whole TRT protocol, along with blood test results. TT, free test, estradiol, and DHT if you have them. If you don't you'd better go get them before you believe anything a doc tells you.
Have you checked your E2 levels? Absolutely having high E2 can irritate the prostate - happened to me at the beginning of treatment.
Hi, yes, my E2 is definitively high, also with T. in the low range (I don't overdo). But I'm using Aromasin 2x 1/2 pill per week and so E2 should not be extreme high (hoping).

But, could be E2 is the bad thing, I also have read that.
Medications against BHP are horrible... I think I will undergo a TURP surgery. It has a really low rate of complications, sexual function is the same, only ejaculations don't shot out from penis, but that is not important for me.
At time I have fast raising prostate pain and have to do that...

Hoping it will help... ;)
I'll post the result, but think, I have to wait any weeks for surgery.
Could just be BPH. This doesn't mean you have cancer, but TRT can enlarge the prostate. Cialis helps it, I would seek that ASAP.
Yes, don't think it's cancer ... yes, should be normal BPH.
No, cialis and so on has horrible sides on me... uaaah!
If a drug has side effects... I definitively get them... *eyesroll*
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i agree with this 100%.. try a daily low dosage of cialis.. 5-6mg a day and see if that fixes the issue
Could just be BPH. This doesn't mean you have cancer, but TRT can enlarge the prostate. Cialis helps it, I would seek that ASAP.
Don't think the insurance will accept cialis as drug for that. Think that's offlabel usage. ;)

So far, yesterday was the appointment with the doctor and an surgery makes absolute sense so he means.
Only I'm waiting for the result of an PSA test now, so cancer can be disqualify.
Nest thuesday we will discuss the best surgery option.

Cross the tumbs for good PSA result! ;)
Cialis bought from one of the board sponsors is not expensive at all. If you cut the tabs into quarters like I do one pack lasts 200 days. Can't say how much it costs due to rules, but dirt cheap comes to mind.

I reiterate what I said before, you should really try to dial in your testosterone and estrogen before thinking of any kind of prostate surgery. If it were me surgery would just about the last thing I'd do.... ever.
Don't think the insurance will accept cialis as drug for that. Think that's offlabel usage. ;)

So far, yesterday was the appointment with the doctor and an surgery makes absolute sense so he means.
Only I'm waiting for the result of an PSA test now, so cancer can be disqualify.
Nest thuesday we will discuss the best surgery option.

Cross the tumbs for good PSA result! ;)

Cialis for BPH is not off label, it is an FDA approved use.

Also, don't judge your tolerance for Cialis if you took a 20mg dose in the past. That would give me a stuffy nose and raging headache too. Low doses are much more tolerable and some of the side effects lessen with use.
i take anything more than 6mg a day and i have a pounding headache.. fuck that!
Cialis for BPH is not off label, it is an FDA approved use.

Also, don't judge your tolerance for Cialis if you took a 20mg dose in the past. That would give me a stuffy nose and raging headache too. Low doses are much more tolerable and some of the side effects lessen with use.
Was trying 10mg in the past and that wasn't funny!
Generally I find it better to do that little(!) surgery instead to kill other bodyparts with several drugs.

Generally have T and E2 good in balance, but with no positive result there.
Hi, yes, my E2 is definitively high, also with T. in the low range (I don't overdo). But I'm using Aromasin 2x 1/2 pill per week and so E2 should not be extreme high (hoping).

But, could be E2 is the bad thing, I also have read that.
Medications against BHP are horrible... I think I will undergo a TURP surgery. It has a really low rate of complications, sexual function is the same, only ejaculations don't shot out from penis, but that is not important for me.
At time I have fast raising prostate pain and have to do that...

Hoping it will help... ;)
I'll post the result, but think, I have to wait any weeks for surgery.

Surjury could mean the end of your sex life. It should be your last course of action after every thing else has been tried.
Another thing to look into for prostate is progesterone. Do some research on it's prostate protective properties.
Was trying progesterone also... was feeling no effect.

No, a TURP surgery isn't the end for sexlife... max. could be thr end ot ejaculation to the outside... would be no problem. ;)
I don't recall if you said anything about your fitness level. Do you exercise? Are you overweight? Diabetic?

If you don't have those things in order before trying drugs (i.e. TRT itself, or the others mentioned), and before thinking about surgery, well you are chasing a ghost and won't have a good outcome from any approach.