Protein Pancakes


Well-known member
There are lots of recipes for protein pancakes out there, here's one I threw together today. It was really good served with applesause:

6 egg whites
2/3 cup oatmeal
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large green apple, peeled and cored
1 1/2 scoops of banana flavored whey protein powder (from all the whey)
2 tablespoons flax meal (optional)

Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
yum trev that sounds awesome! i've never tried an apple in with mine before... will try it soon tho!
Trevdog said:
There are lots of recipes for protein pancakes out there, here's one I threw together today. It was really good served with applesause:

6 egg whites
2/3 cup oatmeal
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large green apple, peeled and cored
1 1/2 scoops of banana flavored whey protein powder (from all the whey)
2 tablespoons flax meal (optional)

Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.
Nice,,always looking to expand the menu.
Dentured protein is completely useless because your body cant utilize it. It will do nothing for you except empty your wallet.
Mike, what are the limitations when cooking with protein powder?

Which powders are best for cooking?
Denatured protein
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A denatured protein is one which has lost its functional conformation. Once denatured, a protein loses most, if not all of its biological activity. A protein can be denatured through various means including exposure to extremes of heat, pH, salt concentration, and use of detergents. Protein denaturation may be a favorable process biologically. For example, chaperonins are able to denature proteins transiently in order to force them to refold into their correct native conformation. During digestion, proteins are denatured by stomach acid allowing them to be degraded by proteolytic enzymes to their amino acid components.
caladin said:
Denatured protein
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
A denatured protein is one which has lost its functional conformation. Once denatured, a protein loses most, if not all of its biological activity. A protein can be denatured through various means including exposure to extremes of heat, pH, salt concentration, and use of detergents. Protein denaturation may be a favorable process biologically. For example, chaperonins are able to denature proteins transiently in order to force them to refold into their correct native conformation. During digestion, proteins are denatured by stomach acid allowing them to be degraded by proteolytic enzymes to their amino acid components.

Exactly what denatured protein is. It is not of relevence for nutrition as the protein does not have a biologocal function due to its conformation as in insulin. All proteuins are denatured in the stomach any way so all protein we at is useless then. It will not matter if the protein is denatured it still consists of amino acids which will be absorbed.
Maxgain said:
Exactly what denatured protein is. It is not of relevence for nutrition as the protein does not have a biologocal function due to its conformation as in insulin. All proteuins are denatured in the stomach any way so all protein we at is useless then. It will not matter if the protein is denatured it still consists of amino acids which will be absorbed.

i dont know much about this, but i think you are wrong. i am sure there is a differnce in the way your body breaks it down and utilizes it, then taking it already denatured, your body probably can't utilize it taht way, or recognize it
I dont see how either way it is broken down to amino acids conformation means nothing when it hits the stomach this is why oral drug peptides are useless.
You say you dont know much about this well i have been studying it for the last 3 years admittedly not in the dietary sense -pharmaceuticals. I am always ready too be proven wrong but dont think so in this case all proteins are denatured in the stomach. Do we have to inject protein then to achieve a muscle building response