Protein Potency In Fluid


Mini B
I sleep with a mason jar filled with muscle milk and water next to the bed for those "middle of the night" feedings. The owner of my gym brought up a valid point. We all know that if creatine sits long enough in liquid, it turns to useless creatinine. Does protein suffer the same fate if it is allowed to soak in water?
I'm sure I read that it loses it's potency very quickly once mixed with water. It must be true, otherwise RTD's would have been around a long time ago ?
i dont think there is much of anything in water that will denature protein, if your super anal, use distilled water. Maybe if it sat for over 24 hours or so, but 8-10 hours, i dont think so.
I'd like to know, Imix my days worth of shakes in one container in the morning and pour them out during the day. I hope more then my first one is getting through :rolleyes: