Proviron, all you need to know!! Part 1

I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I have to ask....if one were going to run test e and wanted to include an ai, given the choice between proviron or the other popular ai's (aromasin, arimidex, letro), which one would be best? Isn't it true that the main culprit of bloating/water retention is the aromitization of test to estrogen? Assuming that's correct, aren't the other ai's more effective in controlling estrogen? I promise I'm reading my a$$ off on all of this....I just feel like my head is spinning from all the info. Thanks gents!
DreDay-Can you elaborate a bit? From what I've read under the profiles tab on this forum, if proviron were used, it would not be necessary to run an ai as proviron attaches to the aromatase enzyme. However, I noticed your reply (proviron will not take the place of an ai). Can you help me out here?
Ya ive run Mast at 600mg/wk and had zero acne or issues with hair loss, Ive never had any issue with either of those as I dont have an issue to begin with. I really enjoyed Masteron, I found it gave awesome results, I started at 400 and notices good results then upped it to 600 and it was far better. Anyway though, do you find and added benefit to run Prov over Mast or visa versa, I know they are the same thing just in different form but was curious to now if they act differently in any way.
I haven't noticed any benefit of oral over the injectable, and would hazard to say that if you're under 14% body fat, that masteron would be superior. I just happen to be a bit above that still, so I stick with proviron.

I hope I don't get flamed for this, but I have to ask....if one were going to run test e and wanted to include an ai, given the choice between proviron or the other popular ai's (aromasin, arimidex, letro), which one would be best? Isn't it true that the main culprit of bloating/water retention is the aromitization of test to estrogen? Assuming that's correct, aren't the other ai's more effective in controlling estrogen? I promise I'm reading my a$$ off on all of this....I just feel like my head is spinning from all the info. Thanks gents!
You are correct in that bloating and other nasty sides do come from an elevation of estradiol due to aromatization of test into estrogen, but neither masteron or its methylated cousin proviron prevent this. It simply has a higher binding affinity to the receptors, which helps with sides due to this process. An AI is still needed to prevent this process from occurring. It would be akin to taking a SERM to prevent gynecomastia, but it doesn't do much otherwise.

DreDay-Can you elaborate a bit? From what I've read under the profiles tab on this forum, if proviron were used, it would not be necessary to run an ai as proviron attaches to the aromatase enzyme. However, I noticed your reply (proviron will not take the place of an ai). Can you help me out here?
Estradiol does far more to us than cause bloating or form man-boobies. It can increase blood pressure cause sebaceous acne (acne vulgaris), and even cause prostate issues. I'm not DreDay, but I can assure you that he'd agree with me in that an AI should be used in any cycle when you break that physiological level of testosterone. (150-200 mg is commonly about the tipping point where the body starts to aromatize to the point where an AI is needed. )

Of course a blood panel would be needed to confirm this as we're all different.

My. 02c :)
Copy that. So proviron is primarily used due to its ability to increase free testosterone and as a hardener. Thanks for the explanation halfwit. "I like turtles"...that's some funny sh*t right there. Lol
Copy that. So proviron is primarily used due to its ability to increase free testosterone and as a hardener. Thanks for the explanation halfwit. "I like turtles"...that's some funny sh*t right there. Lol

Not a problem, that's EXACTLY what it's for. :)

Im thinkin of gettin some more. Rawwrrr. Still Sketched out on the don't shut you down under 100mgs a day part. eeeaaahh.
Can i use this off cycle? just to harden myself up and reduce bloat.. for maybe 2-4 weeks? and then just stop it altogether?
It s still an exogenous "additive."

I love proviron but have not bothered with it in a couple years as extra, subtle or designer AAS are not real high on my must have list at the moment.
But I do oh so love it s subtle anti e properties and then there s the libido enhancement. But the LAST thing I need right now are more erections in my life . I ll stick to the basic meat and potatoes , test and a little other ( very light tren added to trtx 2) from time to s and hcg as needed.
Any developments on this thread? I’ve been reading everything I can on high SHBG and now Proviron.

A quick background, I’ve trained for the last 20 years 4-5 times a week, now 37. Never taken anything outside of protein and creatine. Over the last 4 years my energy, concentration, motivation and libedo has been dropping off to almost zero sex drive now.

I ran all my bloods and the only abnormality is high SHBG, 65, 70, 81 and most recently 91.

I’ve read this thread on the effectiveness of Proviron on using it without a test supplement but what’s your opinion in my case.

I’m a my wits end with high SHBG. My endo was initially opposed to it but after lots of tests and no success he’s happy to give it a go as long as I know the risks.

Any advice??
Any developments on this thread? I***8217;ve been reading everything I can on high SHBG and now Proviron.

A quick background, I***8217;ve trained for the last 20 years 4-5 times a week, now 37. Never taken anything outside of protein and creatine. Over the last 4 years my energy, concentration, motivation and libedo has been dropping off to almost zero sex drive now.

I ran all my bloods and the only abnormality is high SHBG, 65, 70, 81 and most recently 91.

I***8217;ve read this thread on the effectiveness of Proviron on using it without a test supplement but what***8217;s your opinion in my case.

I***8217;m a my wits end with high SHBG. My endo was initially opposed to it but after lots of tests and no success he***8217;s happy to give it a go as long as I know the risks.

Any advice??
can you post your other labs? LH, FSH, total test, free test, E2 levels.?
If you do decide to give it a go and get labs please post info like dosage/timing/lengthy of use before labs and and personal experiences.

I have elevated SHBG, aromatase and possibly the entire p450 liver enzyme family. I've thought about a little Proviron in my life but I'm getting my TRT dialed in now. Keeping the least amount of variable possible.

Some personal experienc attached to labs would be awesome information.
Test 19
SHBG 91 (10-50) our of range
Call free 196 (225-725) out of range
FAI 20.9 (20-160) just in range
FSH 6 under mark
LH 4 under mark
Prolactin 96 under mark
Vit D 70 under mark
Mag .86 in range
Cal, 2.25 in range
Albumin 43 in range
Correct cal 2.23 in range
I notice some more sex drive at 100/150 mg/day. But I have friends using 250 mg/day and they don't say sex drive is that much higher.

I've been doing Proviron since my 1st Cycle in 78'.
I run it with Every Cycle I've done since.

And @ 50 Mg a Day, I notice a Boost in Libido, I've Never gone beyond 75 Mg.
As the Libido Boost becomes an Inconvenience, all I want to do is have Sex.

If you have friends that were doing 250 Mg a Day with No Boost in Libido.
Their Proviron is Bunk................................ JP
Running Proviron solo

Have you ever run it solo? I’m very keen to hear of anyone who hasn’t run it in a cycle, if there’s anyone in that boat.

I’m meeting with the endo in a week and he is happy to run me on a course and monitor all my bloods for 3 months. It seems that there is no one off pill for lowering SHBG out there and because all my other levels are ok he thinks in this case he’s happy to write the script.

I’m just concerned about any negative effects on supressing my natural T it’s going to have.

I've been doing Proviron since my 1st Cycle in 78'.
I run it with Every Cycle I've done since.

And @ 50 Mg a Day, I notice a Boost in Libido, I've Never gone beyond 75 Mg.
As the Libido Boost becomes an Inconvenience, all I want to do is have Sex.

If you have friends that were doing 250 Mg a Day with No Boost in Libido.
Their Proviron is Bunk................................ JP
Have you ever run it solo? I***8217;m very keen to hear of anyone who hasn***8217;t run it in a cycle, if there***8217;s anyone in that boat.

I***8217;m meeting with the endo in a week and he is happy to run me on a course and monitor all my bloods for 3 months. It seems that there is no one off pill for lowering SHBG out there and because all my other levels are ok he thinks in this case he***8217;s happy to write the script.

I***8217;m just concerned about any negative effects on supressing my natural T it***8217;s going to have.

Yes, I have run it as a Bridge between Cycles.

Proviron isn't Suppressive to Low or Normal LH and FSH, at Doses of 100 to 150 Mg a Day for 12 Months.
There's a Clinical Study that was done.

In another Clinical Study, Proviron was shown to be Suppressive @ doses of 300 to 450 Mg a Day.
This was done to study it's effects on Depressed Patients.
I can't even Imagine doing that much.
I'd have a Priapism............................................. JP
Here's a couple Paragraphs from the Clinical Studies.

Two hundred fifty subfertile men with idiopathic oligospermia (count less than 20 million/ml) were treated with mesterolone (100-150 mg/day) for 12 months. Seminal analysis were assayed 3 times and serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) luteinizing hormone (LH) and plasma testosterone were assayed once before treatment and repeated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the initiation of treatment. One hundred ten patients (44%) had normal serum FSH, LH and plasma testosterone, 85 patients (34%) had low serum FSH, LH and low plasma testosterone. One hundred seventy-five patients (70%) had moderate oligospermia (count 5 to less than 20 million/ml) and 75 patients (30%) had severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million/ml). Seventy-five moderately oligospermic patients showed significant improvement in the sperm density, total sperm count and motility following mesterolone therapy whereas only 12% showed improvement in the severe oligospermic group. [B]Mesterolone had no depressing effect on low or normal serum FSH and LH levels but had depressing effect on 25% if the levels were [/B]elevated. There was no significant adverse effect on testosterone levels or on liver function. One hundred fifteen (46%) pregnancies resulted following the treatment, 9 of 115 (7.8%) aborted and 2 (1.7%) had ectopic pregnancy. Mesterolone was found to be more useful in patients with a sperm count ranging between 5 and 20 million/ml. Those with severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million) do not seem to benefit from this therapy.

Based on computer EEG (CEEG) profiles, in high doses, antidepressant properties of mesterolone, a synthetic androgen, were predicted. In a double-blind placebo controlled study, the clinical effects of 300-450 mg daily mesterolone were investigated in 52 relatively young (age range 26-53 years, mean 42.7 years) male depressed outpatients. During 6 weeks of mesterolone treatment, there was a significant improvement of depressive symptomatology. However, since an improvement was also established during the placebo treatment, no statistically appreciable difference in the therapeutic effects of mesterolone was established compared to placebo. Mesterolone treatment significantly decreased both plasma testosterone and protein bound testosterone levels. Patients with high testosterone levels prior to treatment seem to have had more benefit from mesterolone treatment than patients with low testosterone levels. The degree of improvement weakly correlated to the decrease of testosterone levels during mesterolone treatment.
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Yes, I have run it as a Bridge between Cycles.

Proviron isn't Suppressive to Low or Normal LH and FSH, at Doses of 100 to 150 Mg a Day for 12 Months.
There's a Clinical Study that was done.

In another Clinical Study, Proviron was shown to be Suppressive @ doses of 300 to 450 Mg a Day.
This was done to study it's effects on Depressed Patients.
I can't even Imagine doing that much.
I'd have a Priapism............................................. JP
Here's a couple Paragraphs from the Clinical Studies.

Two hundred fifty subfertile men with idiopathic oligospermia (count less than 20 million/ml) were treated with mesterolone (100-150 mg/day) for 12 months. Seminal analysis were assayed 3 times and serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) luteinizing hormone (LH) and plasma testosterone were assayed once before treatment and repeated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after the initiation of treatment. One hundred ten patients (44%) had normal serum FSH, LH and plasma testosterone, 85 patients (34%) had low serum FSH, LH and low plasma testosterone. One hundred seventy-five patients (70%) had moderate oligospermia (count 5 to less than 20 million/ml) and 75 patients (30%) had severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million/ml). Seventy-five moderately oligospermic patients showed significant improvement in the sperm density, total sperm count and motility following mesterolone therapy whereas only 12% showed improvement in the severe oligospermic group. [B]Mesterolone had no depressing effect on low or normal serum FSH and LH levels but had depressing effect on 25% if the levels were [/B]elevated. There was no significant adverse effect on testosterone levels or on liver function. One hundred fifteen (46%) pregnancies resulted following the treatment, 9 of 115 (7.8%) aborted and 2 (1.7%) had ectopic pregnancy. Mesterolone was found to be more useful in patients with a sperm count ranging between 5 and 20 million/ml. Those with severe oligospermia (count less than 5 million) do not seem to benefit from this therapy.

Based on computer EEG (CEEG) profiles, in high doses, antidepressant properties of mesterolone, a synthetic androgen, were predicted. In a double-blind placebo controlled study, the clinical effects of 300-450 mg daily mesterolone were investigated in 52 relatively young (age range 26-53 years, mean 42.7 years) male depressed outpatients. During 6 weeks of mesterolone treatment, there was a significant improvement of depressive symptomatology. However, since an improvement was also established during the placebo treatment, no statistically appreciable difference in the therapeutic effects of mesterolone was established compared to placebo. Mesterolone treatment significantly decreased both plasma testosterone and protein bound testosterone levels. Patients with high testosterone levels prior to treatment seem to have had more benefit from mesterolone treatment than patients with low testosterone levels. The degree of improvement weakly correlated to the decrease of testosterone levels during mesterolone treatment.

nice read on proviron thanks for sharing.