Proviron, all you need to know!! Part 1

VegasBoy said:
That's good to hear.I need to use gear that does'nt cause aggitation. Everysingle Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that hardens me up seems like they cause alot of irritation/anxiety.fina and eq causes that shit with me.


Yes, Proviron does not cause anxiety or irritation like fina or bold can do, but even the other effects (the good ones, I mean) are much milder, unfortunately.:rolleyes:
VegasBoy said:
Thats good to hear..Why are the other effects milder(the good ones)?


Do you have better gains with proviron than fina and eq?
You're avery lucky man:p
Woff... My hat of for Lawnsaver for delivering posts like nothing else!

I love the no bullshit, cut-to-the-chase attitude. Bring it on!
one thing 'PROVIRON' can also do, is kick your libido up a notch! that's one of the things I love about after a cycle we all know (well maybe some of us)what can happen after a 'cycle-crash' if you don't bridge with something!
Using 'proviron' with 'enathate' should'nt add too much of a risk for you at all, proviron will help you stay harder, it can block estrogen and (this would be great for you since enathate is known for making you look bloated and and soft and puffy if you take long cycles) there won't be any rebound effect as with nolvadex...not evryone likes it and some feel it's useless.
Damn, thanks yet AGAIN Lawnsaver! Throwing this little "secret" into my contest cycle a few weeks out and am much more comfortable about it.
you sold me ,
and a lack of knoladge , no kidding , very few posts on the boards about it and yet if i read right , it,s somthing that should be added to just about every test cycle ..
let you know how it go,s ,mine proviron here in a week and been on a long test cycle ,long, 8 months at betwween 500 and 600 mg a week cyp and prop .. so it will be intristing to see just how much of an effect it has ..
This part of the original post contradicts a lot of what I believed to have understood before:
....Its not advised that Proviron be used when not used in conjunction with another steroid, as it too is quite suppressive of natural testosterone, leading to all sorts of future complications upon discontinuation. Ranging from loss of libido or erectile dysfunction all the way up to infertility. One would not be aware of such dangers because Proviron fulfills most of the functions of normal levels of testosterone.

Why if it does not have any reverse effects - unless you exceed the advised amount(250mg/day I think it was) - would it lead to complications upon discontinuation if not used in conjunction with another steroid?
WOW, 250mg ED, 50mg is the dose I've used, it's used to help your sex drive in some countries.


When running a Test, Tren cycle with dbol to kick start and Anavar the remaining part of the cycle, would a dosage of 50mg/ED of proviron be a high amount, or should i think about lowering it to 25mg/ED?

I can just mix it with my tren shots as well since I'll be doing them ED.
Hello to everyone, I just joined the site and have a million questions, though I will start with what do I take to increase size and strength while keeping the body fat low? I am well versed in diet and working out, have been doing this for 26 yrs (I am 44), though have never taken the juice and am not sure where to start. I have read numerous articles on steriods, investigated the prohormones, and am getting a little bit of a clearer picture of what and how much to take, include the post cycle therapy (pct) and milk thistle, along with the clean diet. What I need clarification on is what is the most effective cycle for eight weeks to increase size and strength while keeping the bloating to a minimal. I am 5' 7" tall, weigh 210lbs, have a 33 waist with the "four pack", BF % around 12% Currently doing a splint routine of M, Tues, Thursday, Friday. with abs every day, cardio every other day (go to gym on Wednesdays for this) and rest on the weekends. Waiting for some advice, thanks
shortand squatty said:
Hello to everyone, I just joined the site and have a million questions, though I will start with what do I take to increase size and strength while keeping the body fat low? I am well versed in diet and working out, have been doing this for 26 yrs (I am 44), though have never taken the juice and am not sure where to start. I have read numerous articles on steriods, investigated the prohormones, and am getting a little bit of a clearer picture of what and how much to take, include the post cycle therapy (pct) and milk thistle, along with the clean diet. What I need clarification on is what is the most effective cycle for eight weeks to increase size and strength while keeping the bloating to a minimal. I am 5' 7" tall, weigh 210lbs, have a 33 waist with the "four pack", BF % around 12% Currently doing a splint routine of M, Tues, Thursday, Friday. with abs every day, cardio every other day (go to gym on Wednesdays for this) and rest on the weekends. Waiting for some advice, thanks

Hey new guy welcome to the board. Right off the bat some advice for you for free. Start your own thread for your question. Never hijack someone else's thread that has been started about a hole different thing then what your asking. You will also get a better responce as well. Mike...