Proviron ?!! please share some info on this


New member
hey guys, Just started looking into Proviron as its not mentioned alot.
From What I understand it is not C17, and prevents aromatization.

So The question is hypothetically , Could Proviron be used as an estrogen blocker?
Also Would it have the ability to protect your natural test from orals?

I am not afraid of needles and im not looking for an (oral only) venture lol just became curious after reading,
thanks guys
If you are male, you cannot run an oral-only cycle. Injectable testosterone needs to be the base of every cycle run by a male.
The link that Megatron gave you was the first place I learned the specifics of proviron. :D
it's not a replacement for an AI, but can always be a great addition to any cycle... will give your muscles a harder appearance and will increase sex drive
it's not a replacement for an AI, but can always be a great addition to any cycle... will give your muscles a harder appearance and will increase sex drive

What's your recomended dosing if I were to add this to 500mg test e and 400mg tren a per week?