proviron question


The Great
i know that proviron elevates libido when taken. does your libido stay elevated after you stop or do you have to take something else to keep levels normal ?
I imagine it's like any other drug so when you quit taking it I don't see your libido staying the same as when you were taking it.

but if you have low libido , and you use proviron , does it stay low after use ? i need something to elevate my libido to a normal level and stay there..
Yeah, it's just like any other drug. If you have high blood pressure and take meds for lower it, once you quit taking the meds, your blood pressure rises again. It's the same with any chronic type condition. If you have a serious medical issue and it's not related to you using gear, then go see a physician and they can prescribe something for you to take all the time. There's no sense in you buying stuff on your own when you can maybe get it covered by your insurance, if you have any.

is there anything to take that would make my libido at a normal level permently ? doctors are useless. every doctor i went to wanted to put me back on test. and i explained to them that is what made my libido low in the first place
How old are you ? Test levels decrease with aging so you might just need to be doing HRT like the doctors are telling.
BTW, proviron increases libido for those who already have test floating around thier body, it doesnt make you horny by itself, you still need the test whether your body is producing it or taking it from other sources.

how do i get the natural test cranking again ? ihave a sex drive on test but when i stop it goes away. so thats why i stay on it. i can't get my system to produce test. i am 30 years old and i have did 2 cycles a year for 10 years. the problem is when i started , i didn't know about post cycle therapy (pct) so i didn't do it for the first couple years. i think that is what messed me up. i just don't know how to get my natural system normal again..
Actually ive least for myself that if you continue proviron it looses its effect or you have to take more if you use it all the time. Best thing are them dick exercises.
swizzoled said:
how do i get the natural test cranking again ? ihave a sex drive on test but when i stop it goes away. so thats why i stay on it. i can't get my system to produce test. i am 30 years old and i have did 2 cycles a year for 10 years. the problem is when i started , i didn't know about post cycle therapy (pct) so i didn't do it for the first couple years. i think that is what messed me up. i just don't know how to get my natural system normal again..

Bro, you need to talk to your physician if you want the problem solved. I'm no doctor but it sounds like you may have F*CKED yourself all those years of not doing any post cycle therapy (pct) but what do I know. Your doctor would be the one to tell you if there is a solution or not. You gotta accept the fact that you may not ever be able to get your testes producing natural again or at least to the extent they once did. If that's the case, then what your doctor is giving you is your only answer.
can you give details on the cycles u used to run ? how long, doses, anti-estro etc..
So 10 years of cycling without post cycle therapy (pct) ?

You need to go on a heavy post cycle therapy (pct) protocol ( clomid and nolva ) and hope for the best.

something like this:


first 2 weeks : 300 mg /day then drop it to 150-100 mg/day and run it for couple more weeks.

40-60 mg/day first couple weeks then drop it to 20-40 mg/day.

If such post cycle therapy (pct) protocol fails then im out of answers.
first years

the first couple years i ran 250-500 mg of sustanon. i only started using other stuff a couple of years ago when i found this site and could do research. its amazing. the people where i live have no clue about taking gear. i try to tell them about the correct way to use it and what happened to me. they tell me " don't tell me how to use juice " i have a friend that has been on for about the same time as me and he has never did post cycle therapy (pct) and he refuses to. he says he can buy more gear for the price of post cycle therapy (pct)..