PSL Came Through

Their bottles always look so simple and clean, no BS! Had great gains with their test E and hardly had oily skin and acne. No pip at all! Nice stuff Jimi.
Looks nice!
I got some teste and cyp from this line Ill start up after I finish the t400 i got from another place. I noticed they have new blends... might just get that since I like high mg/ml gear (less volume needed)
Their bottles always look so simple and clean, no BS! Had great gains with their test E and hardly had oily skin and acne. No pip at all! Nice stuff Jimi.

Great to hear. I heard good things from people I trust so I felt confident it was money well spent. Now the longest time..the 2 day wait for BW results that feels like 2 months LOL...
SWEET - that's how ya do it... looks great Jimi!!!

I just placed an order tonight for some Turanabol which
will be my first time running it.

I still need to order more before the cycle but I'm look'n
forward to it... all the reviews have been great! :D
SWEET - that's how ya do it... looks great Jimi!!!

I just placed an order tonight for some Turanabol which
will be my first time running it.

I still need to order more before the cycle but I'm look'n
forward to it... all the reviews have been great! :D

All the cycles I have run and I have never run tbol either, until this one. It will be my first time using the compound and I am really interested in seeing how it effects me.
All the cycles I have run and I have never run tbol either, until this one. It will be my first time using the compound and I am really interested in seeing how it effects me.

Yeah same here, I've always ran dbol - but I've heard so many good reviews, I have to give it a try... "keep us posted!" :D
Yeah same here, I've always ran dbol - but I've heard so many good reviews, I have to give it a try... "keep us posted!" :D

Will do. Its funny dbol is what I have always used as well. I tried drol a couple times but it makes me literally feel like shit so for years dbol has been what I use and my buddy juced recommended I try tbol so here we are. Plus I want to try it so I cam share experience based advice on it. Dont like to post on stuff I havent used even if I researched the hell out of it.
Anyway Ill keep you informed. Im really contemplating logging the cycle here.
So I should have my Blood Work today (should have had it a couple days ago but anyway) so Im going to be starting this cycle. Im thinking I am going to log it and do a pretty detailed log with pre, mid and post cycle bloods like I do whenever I cycle. I figure it will be good for people to see the log with the blood work and see how important BW is when you are cycling.
Anyway stay tuned, Ill link to the log in this thread when I start it.
Turanabol builds muscle fast. Its like Dianabol without the bloat. I put on almost as much weight with Turanabol as I do Dianabol but with less water.

It gives you the solid gains and full muscle feeling. Enjoy Jimi!
Turanabol builds muscle fast. Its like Dianabol without the bloat. I put on almost as much weight with Turanabol as I do Dianabol but with less water.

It gives you the solid gains and full muscle feeling. Enjoy Jimi!

Now Im really looking forward to the tbol.
Keep your eyes peeled guys Ill be starting the log to,morrow. There was a delay at the lab with my bloodwork as we had some really bad weather here along with MLK Jr Day that resulted in a delay. Ill be starting log and posting my precycle bloods tomorrow. Ill link to it in this thread.
Thanks for the support guys and GotGrowth thanks for the well wishes and so far the good service as far as packaging and shipping turnaround etc. Very professional. If the gear is as good as the service I will be one very happy (and jacked) individual.