puffy/irritated nipples question.


New member
Hey guys hoping you can help me out. I am about 5 weeks into my teste/deca cycle. Last week I started to notice my nipples were feeling more sensitive/itchy and i can also tell that the area behind my nipple is getting a little swollen. Not noticeable really but I can feel it is there. I took some nolva over the past couple of days but it doesn't seem to be making any difference. I also have Letro would that be better to use for this and at what kind of dose? Never had this issue with my last teste/deca cycle so this is new territory. On hand I have Nolva, Prami, letro and clomid. From what I am reading sounds like Letro may be the way to go on this though.

thanks in advance for the advice.
aromasin would be the way to go...get some and run it at 12.5mg/ed and run that prami at .25mg every night right before bed
aromasin would be the way to go...get some and run it at 12.5mg/ed and run that prami at .25mg every night right before bed

Probably sounds stupid but i didn't have a good trustworthy source for aromasin which is why i got the letro/prami for when I start tren. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't letro the same thing as aromasin just more powerful?
Probably sounds stupid but i didn't have a good trustworthy source for aromasin which is why i got the letro/prami for when I start tren. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't letro the same thing as aromasin just more powerful?

you can get aromasin from rui products....yes letro is an anti estrogen like aromasin but much much more powerful....it is something I wouldnt recommend using as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but more to get rid of a pesky gyno lump
Not even at low doses (Letro)?

I posted before about not getting along well with Aromasin and am running a test/deca cycle now. i am having good results with Prami (.25mg) and Letro (around .50mg, EOD).

Is this not an ok combo to run?
i havent used the aromi. i have only used letro and i like it. i take .25mgs 2x a week and im good with just that. i know the one bottle i have will last... forever. all cycle ive only used maybe 1 15th of the bottle..

everyone preferes the aromi. I would like to try it but the letro is working so " why fix something if it isnt broken?" probly wanna juggle around a few diff dosing options until you find out what works for you.
Not even at low doses (Letro)?

I posted before about not getting along well with Aromasin and am running a test/deca cycle now. i am having good results with Prami (.25mg) and Letro (around .50mg, EOD).

Is this not an ok combo to run?

you can use letro...but aromasin is the only suicide Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and is the best at blocking estrogen...that is why it is the most preffered....if letro works for you then by all means do what you think your body wants
im with dizzy diesel on tis one.. if you already have gyno symptoms.. rock the letro for a week or 2 till all signs are gone.. next time run the aromasin from the start and avoid the whole thing (most of the time).. aro is better to run during a cycle but difficult for it to reverse gyno.. drop the letro bomb on i and then let aro handle the rest..
you can get aromasin from rui products....yes letro is an anti estrogen like aromasin but much much more powerful....it is something I wouldnt recommend using as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but more to get rid of a pesky gyno lump

hmm thats where i get all my stuff from normally. I didn't see it there. Guess I must have missed it. I'll look again.
you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to lower estrogen. nolvadex DONT lower estrogen.
currently taking letro and prami and it seems to be getting better. How long should I expect it to take generally? I also ordered aromasin to take ongoing.
I'm having a hard time telling if it is working or not. The whole thing basically hit me over night ad far as the nipple irritation. I can feel that the gland or whatever fells enlarged. It seems like any fatty tissue in the area has disappeared but the gland still feels swollen and looks a little off to me. I've been taking the letro/prami since I made this thread. I also have aromisin I can take as well. Is there anything I can do to reduce the swelling in the "gland" besides whats already being done?
any thoughts appreciated as it would be freaking sweet if this crap would quit. All itching/iritation is gone which is nice but the "puffienss" is still hanging around.
Seems like it is up and down throughout the day. Sometimes I can barely notice it and other times i feel sensitivity and swelling. I am up to about 2mg ED letro and .30mg prami.
That seems like a lot of letro, watch out for sore joints.

I am no expert by any means, but I have been using about .50mg EOD to control my pubertal gyno while on cycle. Took it right down, although like you sometimes it seems to be completely gone and other times I can feel a small lump if I go longer for it. I am trying a lowers dose - longer on type strategy to keep my joints from drying out and my estro from crashing.

Hopefully someone who knows more than me will chime in with some advice for you as well.
I just want this shit gone. Pissed that I even had an issue since last cycle i never had any signs of anything.