putting through filter...


Knows whats up
ok, im putting it through the filter, and its SOOOO slow... it took like 10 min to do 1 ml or maybe a little more... is that right>? also, i took off the 20cc syringe with most the tren in it, off, so i could heat it up... i boiled water, put it in a cup and put the cap on the syringe and put it in the boiling water... now, the tren leaked a little... does that mean some water could of gotten in? is that bad? please let me know... thanks
Filtering takes some time, but not 10 mins / 1 ml.

I make gear by the 100ml and it takes 30 - 40 minutes for me to filter it. I don't know why you are having so much trouble.

What size of pin (gauge) are you using?
Is your gear warm?
Do you have a pin to vent the vial with?
heat it on hot plate before filtering and it will go easier. use a 18g pin and make sure you aspirate the vial as well.
yeah, i changed filters, the one i was using sucked i guess, i put a watman on and it was fine...
BUT at the end this kind of whitish fizz came out...is that normal???? kind of foamy type stuff
panteracfh said:
yeah, i changed filters, the one i was using sucked i guess, i put a watman on and it was fine...
BUT at the end this kind of whitish fizz came out...is that normal???? kind of foamy type stuff

ok... cool... yeah when i purged the 2cc's of oil through, it was a bunch of foamy shit too... but it just blends in with the rest after it sits for a min or 2.... thanks for the help....