PVL underground manufacturer


New member
Can anybody provide me any info about PVL? My source tells me it's a new underground lab. The product I'm interested in is Trenbolone. The strange thing is, it's apparently 250 mgs/ml. This sounds ridiculous. I thought Fina could only come at maximum 100 mgs (due to the alcohol preservative and the fact that anything over 100 may be dangerous). I want to try it - because I love Fina. But it's chancy. I trust this source. The other thing is also, wouldn't may body absorb this too soon. Doing 250 mg tren every other day would most likely make my heat explode (while stacking with EQ as well).

Can anybody elaborate on my problem or warn me about this product???

Please write soon.

Thanks guys and good training.
PVL has been around for a while.. tren enanthate can come in 250mg/ml.. pvls tren acetate comes in 100mg/ml i think
PVL is top notch. Best Canadian UG in my opinion. They're tren acetate is 100mg/ml. They've stood the test of time.