first tren ace cycle log while on trt.

Soldier - how about some before and after pics?

Anzel - How goes your tren ace run? how are the sides at 100mg OED? I've heard of other guys reporting the at 100mg EOD, the tren-somnia hits hard.
looking good .. what's your training protocol been like this cycle ? (sorry if I missed it in your log) just curious

Your good bro. Icant remeber if I did share my routine in this log, lol. Anyways, Ive used alot of the advise i got here from you guys during this recent blast. Namely the high rep, low weight idea. I do go heavy but usually at the begining of my workouts. Ill do some heavy sets after warm ups, like 8-10 rep max weight. Then I usually spend the rest of the workout focused on more hypertrophy specific training. Some days, ecspecially after a hard day at work (construction work) I only do light weight, high reps. After looking up CT Fletcher, lol, I must admit, Ive been including arms almost everytime i hit the gym, lol. Seems to be paying off tho;-) Thanks for inquiring bro, and the compliment, Much Appreciated!!
looking good brother man!!
I appreciate that brother!!
My lady hates this, but I told her compliments coming from someone I dont know or even just somebody random when Im out means more than her opinion at times. lol. I mean, shit its my girl, shes always going to tell me I look good. U know what I mean??
Its kinda in the same way that even tho she has put on a couple pounds since we met (see my profile page) she is still the most beautiful woman I know to this day. Love makes us blind sometimes I guess. She is banging tho, no lie;-)
Back to good 'ol test;-)
so Im on 500mgs/ wk right now and for the next couple weeks. I anticipated that I wouldnt feel all that great after running tren then going back to trt after so i decided to run 500 test for the first month instead. its been a couplke weeks now and I feel great. I didnt expect it, well thats why the higher dose of test anyways. But yeah, I feel good. ill drop it down to trt dose next and hold on that for a while. I feel like ive kept my gains from tren to this point anyways. My strength is still up. Libido is better now than at the end of my tren blast.
Anyone else care to share their experience after a tren blast, Id appreciate it. Did you keep gains & strength. How did you feel overall? Libido? And anything else i missed.
I'm trying out OP's then in 2-3 weeks doing a cycle, ill keep u updated but would love to hear how much gains u kept and how'd u manage the sides?
Nice thread brother and goodwork looking good and glad to hear the legs all good . Haha been watching a bit of ct ay hes defnitley the man
Well, wouldnt ya know it, my printer is out of ink, so i cant print lab results...damn kids
Everything looked ok anyways. couple numbers were high by 1 point or so. The main thing, ive never seen this before but my estro was thru the roof high. There was a note under the estro result tho that said a certain breast cancer drug called Fulvestrant can cause that number to be high on the result. It also said in which case i would need to take a different panel test, one with estro sensitive something or another. Im not worried as I no my estro isnt that high, if at all. It must be the AI i take that caused the high reading, result. My liver numbers were a touch high as well but i beleive they will go back down in time being off tren, from what ive heard here. Ill be getting another test soon to see.
BTW, Anyone that can give a brutha some pointers on a at home "blood let" I'd appreciate it. Its time. Or will red cross do theroputic blood letting?? IDK, Guess i could call them, lol. Thanks!!!
Im not worried as I no my estro isnt that high, if at all. It must be the AI i take that caused the high reading, result.

wait what??? It sounded like you said that your use of an aromatase inhibitor caused high e2 reading???

Also, it's fairly common knowledge that tren can cause falsely high readings of e2. That's why you always should get the sensitive assay while on tren. I get the sensitive assay all the time now no matter what im on.
BTW, Anyone that can give a brutha some pointers on a at home "blood let" I'd appreciate it. Its time. Or will red cross do theroputic blood letting?? IDK, Guess i could call them, lol. Thanks!!!

14-18g needle, 3ml syringe, vinyl tubing, 1/2 liter empty soda bottle . may or may not flow well without a vacutainer to create negative pressure though