Quad Injections With Test/Deca/Tren


New member

So, I have a question for users that inject into their quads. I've been through a couple cycles now using Test E, Tren A, & Deca. Currently Deca/Test. I think it is just steroids overall cause I've experienced it every cycle, maybe the test? Idk. But... when I inject and it's only gotten worse, when I go walking for 15 minutes it's like I get SUPER BAD shin splints, to the point where it's like a hatchet is getting chopped into my femurs lol... This isn't normal for me, and I feel like this only happens when I'm on cycles pinning. Today was very bad im on week 12 and I went to walk to class today and holy shit man, I could barely make it... So I'm curious if anybody else gets these pains? Or if i should go see my doctor lol.

Thank you!
Sounds like either your estradiol is getting way too high or you are taking too much PDE-5 Inhibitor (Cialis, Viagra, etc).
Where Exactly are you Pinning in your Quads.

What Gauge and Length of Needle are you using.

And lastly, cause you mentioned going to class, How Old are You............................... JP
I've been using Quads for years, and I've Never Experienced anything like what you are describing.
No, that never ever happens. Have you tried pinning into your glutes instead?

I had this, i also used test/tren.
However...I never once pinned quads, only delts/glutes.
His timing is also same as mine (I like to take walks, specially in the summer, also a fast walker) and after 10-15 minutes I had to stop due to the pain, but it was weird pain, kinda like extreme pump making/manifasting itself into the bone.
Stopping walking for a few minutes and its gone, comes back a lot faster second time though. Prevented longer walks for that reason.
Only came after fast walking, never during cardio. My PT had never heard about it and since it felt like pump and came after walking neither of us gave it much thought, specially since it wasn't a big issue overall.

But now im bit curious about this.
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This issue has nothing to do with your Quad injections. Its the massive muscle pumps from the roids. I would get the same thing you are getting from TREN. I could barely walk after one block. Try lowering your salt intake and drink more water. Other than that I would also like to know a better solution to this issue.
For muscle cramps on tren and/or masteron you can try a couple grams of taurine. I also take magnesium citrate all the time, with or without roids, as when I get deficient I get muscle cramps. Broccoli raw also works well.