quad shot


New member
does it always feel like you drove a nail into your leg. I took my first one sunday and it still hurts.
Maybe it will be worse, or maybe it will be better. You never know, but they usually get better with time. The only place that really doesnt bother me is the glute.
First time i did it, the pain was evident even during injection. But i stuck with it and went ahead. Couldnt even climb stairs after that. second time round, same thing. Although a convenient spot for injections, i didnt do them after a 4th try. back to glutes and delts for me.
Quads are a mixed bag for me.
I stick my right quad witha 23G 1.5" dart and it goes right in without any pain at all. When I shoot my left quad with the same it feels like im jambing a hornets stinger into my leg and it hurts like hell.
Glute shots dont hurt at all, but I need someone else to do them because of my limited flexibility. Thinkin about trying my delt next, but Im going to down size my hardware first.
well i decided to give quad shots a try after reading that the needles i was using are too short for glute shots. i used a 20g .75" needle. didn't hurt too bad at the time but the 3 days since its been kinda sore and yesterday doing my leg workout was fun.
Glute shots for me go right in w/ ease. Quad shots I like b/c of the location, it's nice and easy, but the stick is a little uncomfortable though.
generally the pain is from the contents of the syringe, generally too much alcohol is the main reason for soreness....I rarely get sore anywhere, part of the reason I never switch brands