Question about BP on Cycle


New member
So I'm on my first week of my cycle (Test E 500mg and EQ at 600) and just did my second pin earlier today. After taking my BP several hours later I was at 139 over 93. Normally I am 107 over 79 give or take.

My question is: Does BP spike the day of Injection, or when starting a cycle? Obviously this is something I will continue to monitor, Just wondering if anyone knows the answer to this as I haven't been able to find it.

Also I'm 36 5'11 and 179lbs, I eat very clean and this is also my first cycle ever.

Injecting itself does not affect BP unless you have an anxiety disorder.

Are you using an AI?

You should not be using EQ in a first cycle. Huge mistake. Drop it now and only run the Testosterone.
Blood pressure isn't a reading that stays at a particular level throughout the day. It will climb or descend based on stimuli, and react accordingly. One pin in isn't enough to trigger a tremendous amount of aromatization or androstenedione to greatly impact your pressure.

However, if you're bulking because of the cycle, and have drastically increased carbohydrate intake - you will start retaining water, which does elevate blood pressure. It may normalize out, but if it doesn't, I'd reevaluate your diet. It's best to check bp first thing in the morning, with your palm facing upward and above the heart.

My .02c :)
Thanks for the responses guys, I do have Arimedex onhand and plan to do .5 EOD. Due to the suprising jump in BP, I'll heed your advice and save the EQ for a later cycle and just run the Test at 500 a week and go from there.
Arimidex can't do any good if you don't take it

I woukd start at .25mg EOD and assess it effectiveness with blood work.