question about macros


New member
135 off season
110 comp weight

Ive been training and competing for 2 yrs now with the same trainer. My first year we carb cycled, I came in way too flat way too small my first competition (I figure compete forgot to say that) Second year now and we've kept my protein at 170g-180g; carbs start at 200g and drop to about 75g over a 12 week progression, and fat stays between 25-30g. My second show I came in looking alot better, fuller, and overall had a much more proportioned physique.

Ive recently switched trainers and he has a completely new mentality. He has me eating 240g Carb, 140g Pro 20g Fat daily, granted this is an off season diet, but my body hasn't seen this many carbs per day in quite a while. Does anybody try this high carb method and what results usually do you expect?? My bodys adapted to high protein low carb diets I think, but he says trust his judgement on this one. I'm just worried I'm going to blow up, at 135lb and 5'0 I already look pretty big.

since this is an off season diet, it doesn't seem that off. You would want to keep your off season carb macro's higher, this is the time to build the muscle!
Then when it comes to dieting you can increase protein and drop down the carbs.
Basically, at the end of the day a calorie is a calorie. The macro splits just vary how your body responds to them.
You wouldn't want to increase daily calories too much, but you also don't want to be too low so that your body doesnt' respond well to dieting down for a competition.

Just wondering what type of reputation for nutritional planning does your trainer have??
Maybe try and get some feed back from previous clients.
Talk to your trainer about your concerns, after all you are the one paying for his services. If you don't have full trust with him, then maybe he's not the one for you.
I would find the trainer that has a style and opinion that you trust and understand the most and stick with them. Don't ask too many people what their opinion is on dieting because you will get different response from different people, and that will just make you second guess everything you're doing.

Good luck!
Everybody has different preferred macro ratios. For myself I find 40,40 30 works best. I function well on higher carbs and I've never had to do a keto diet to lose weight. At least not yet. I find as I get older my metabolism gets slower and I eat less carbs. Not much less but a bit less.

Just experiment and find what works for you.