Question about proposed chemicals and AI


New member
26 yrs old
13-15 bf


8oz of chicken turkey or fish 5x daily
5 servings of vegies
4 servings of carbs
drink wine few times a week

all workouts are reverse pyramid right now warm up 15 to failure 4 to failure 6 and 8 to failure with exception of arm burnouts and flys
2days off

I plan on running pretty heavy cycle but the questions I have are as follows:

is 300 masteron a week enough to not dose in arimidex .25 eod as long as I have it on hand?

test/deca 2:1 is my plan

how much difference between 800mg/1000/1200 test as far as growth concerns

want to immediately follow this 13-14 week cycle with an 8 week 600tren/300test/300masteron cycle for hardening goal is to reach 270lbs at the end of this cycle
300mgs of mast is not even worth running and has nothing to do with your ai dose.

I understood it acted as a mild AI or atleast a gyno prevention method? would 400 be enough for my body weight?

would you mind listing benefits and negatives to running masteron with this cycle
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I understood it acted as a mild AI or atleast a gyno prevention method? would 400 be enough for my body weight?

would you mind listing benefits and negatives to running masteron with this cycle

Mast is not an ai nor does it replace one. You should really knos the difference if you're planning to run a cycle bud...
Milder AAS like say Mast or Proviron do exude SOME mild anti e properties yes. But to try to take say 6oo mg test 50 mg d bol and say 400 mast or 50 mg prov to off set the aromatization of these
highly converting drug s is a no go , son.

So instead of running a proper ai like Aromasine or Adex or god forbid Letrozol (nuclear option for estro ) and to rely on the 2 discussed is a sure fire to become
the Michelin man
with tit s and
no erection s after say 3-6 weeks.

Now read up on dese here thaing s for if u gone be axin me--
But....Why ?
Like my 10 yr olds 5 yr old sister
I swear I will red rep u e-time u post.
Jus sayin

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Milder AAS like say Mast or Proviron do exude SOME mild anti e properties yes. But to try to take say 6oo mg test 50 mg d bol and say 400 mast or 50 mg prov to off set the aromatization of these
highly converting drug s is a no go , son.

So instead of running a proper ai like Aromasine or Adex or god forbid Letrozol (nuclear option for estro ) and to rely on the 2 discussed is a sure fire to become
the Michelin man
with tit s and
no erection s after say 3-6 weeks.

Now read up on dese here thaing s for if u gone be axin me--
But....Why ?
Like my 10 yr olds 5 yr old sister
I swear I will red rep u e-time u post.
Jus sayin


Ok I kind of understood what youre trying to say but I'm pretty sure youre using some kind of foreign language in there.. and is that your pic as your avatar? holy shit someone cant ask hey how much masteron to prevent gyno on this huge cycle? everyone assumes I'm not using AI and I get a bunch of whinny cry babies talking smack to me. but still no solid advice from experience. why don't you people just try to answer questions and then talk sht. like number one.. and ill write it in as plain English so that this guy cab understand sorry if I don't talk like an idiot. HOW MUCH NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE IN GROWTH WOULD YOU PERSONALLY EXPECT IN RUNNING A SIMILAR CYCLE WITH 800 MG OF TEST TO 1200 MG TEST.
You got to help yourself bud. Can't post a shit cycle and expect us to clean it up for you. You need to go to the basics and read the stickys. You have no idea how to run a cycle like this.

ok nothing against you but whats a shit cycle? everything is based on goals in bodybuilding. look at rich piana, not saying I support him but this guy is off the charts with the chemicals he has used and has done multiple cycles with no ai what so ever. I talk to guys at the gym who are 300lbs benching 550lbs like its a warmup and they propose similar things, not saying theyre elite body builders or anything.. is this like a cool kid club or what why don't you post some stats or are you just some trt guy whos balls didn't work from the start
ok nothing against you but whats a shit cycle? everything is based on goals in bodybuilding. look at rich piana, not saying I support him but this guy is off the charts with the chemicals he has used and has done multiple cycles with no ai what so ever. I talk to guys at the gym who are 300lbs benching 550lbs like its a warmup and they propose similar things, not saying theyre elite body builders or anything.. is this like a cool kid club or what why don't you post some stats or are you just some trt guy whos balls didn't work from the start

You are not rich pianna.

If you want to be 300lbs and benching 550 you'll have to go off the charts with the chemicals. See statement 1.

I'm just a TRT guy. 6'2, 275 and Deadlift 585 (like its warmup)

Stats don't matter. Informed people can have shitty stats and uniformed people can be rich pianna.
ok nothing against you but whats a shit cycle? everything is based on goals in bodybuilding. look at rich piana, not saying I support him but this guy is off the charts with the chemicals he has used and has done multiple cycles with no ai what so ever. I talk to guys at the gym who are 300lbs benching 550lbs like its a warmup and they propose similar things, not saying theyre elite body builders or anything.. is this like a cool kid club or what why don't you post some stats or are you just some trt guy whos balls didn't work from the start

There's a difference from what vuys say at the gym and what their bloodwork is like. Most of those guys at the gym probably have all kinds of negative side effects but aren't saying shit because of their "pride".

The reason nobody answered your silly question about mast is because it shows how much you really don't know. Mast is not an ai and you cannot use it in place of an ai. It's pretty common knowledge. It's also common knowledge that mast is usually ran around 600mgs per week, minimum.

We advocate safe use of gear on here. We're the safe gear club. You won't find good answers for bad cycle use. You find me a 300lb guy using a shit ton of gear with no ai and good bloodwork. Not happening bud. So instead of wasting time with questioning us, why not spend it on researching all this shit you plan to use? Maybe then you will listen a little more clearly...
Let me take a shot at your question on 800mg vs 1,200mg/wk test. There is a sticky showing 300 vs. 600, and yes the gains are dose dependent.

My theory is that for a first cycle you won't see anything more for 1,200 vs 800, and probably not even for 800 vs 500. I would be willing to bet you would experience max growth at 500mg/wk, and you will run into some kind of physical limit where you won't gain any more with more dosage. Save the mega doses for later on when you don't respond any more.

For the masteron, I'm also of the opinion that 300 mg/wk with 500 mg/wk test would not be a waste. I think again for a new user you would see an effect, but you won't know where it is coming from as you wouldn't have experience with test alone. You will need that AI dose 0.25mg eod arimidex for 500 test, if you chose to go 800 or 1,200 you will need to increase proportionally.
I am fluent in English German and have 3 year s of Latin so I fail to see the issue with my post but I m used to this type of mentality.

Yes I m the 53 yr old guy in the avi and the picture s 10 (?) day s old and NO I do not advocate anyone not making a living off body building or competing using doing BIG cycle s. UNLESS they are extremely knowledgeable not only about AAS and the use, abuse and potential pit fall s of doing them , but how bloodwork can be utilized to counter act side effects that can become serious health issue s.
At 53 I either do trt at 150 a week 1/2 the year or 200 mg test c on Sunday with 1 cc 50/50 test p /tren a M W F the other half YEAR because it involves no need for ai s, prami, caber for ME.

I do wish you well and hope you find a dosage you can improve what ever look your after.


Take care.
Well this wasn't even entertaining. OP did you just start this thread to argue ? as my buddy Teutonic said you can Google most of what you ask.

AGAIN as you were told.....
AND if you read carefully NO WEAR does anything tell you that Mast will help control your estrogen. GET THIS... the use of an AI is to help control your Estrogen. Yes ? well why would you think a steroid is going to do that. It will not stop[ the other compounds from Aromatizing or lower you E2.

Now I can tell you that I have done all kinds of drugs etc.... and I am ok, but the other guy died, or is a vegetable, or has a blown out liver,. But not me, wanna do it my way. Hey it worked for me. Really WTF ... so in the corner with you and your dunce hat on :)

When you get to reading why don't you look at ALL the UNWANTED SIDES to high Estrogen and learn why we use an AI from the beginning.
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