Question about recovering from pro hormones


anabolic abuse
I'm just about to finish a cycle of the prohormone from Universal Animal test and I was wondering if I should use Tribex or something to get my natural test back up? I realize you guys arent much into the prohormones but I had it and wanted to give it a try before I do a real cycle.. also I am planning to start a 10wk all test enanthate cycle october 1st, I was wondering if that would be too soon after coming off the animal test? I'm not sure how much a prohormone can affect your natural test levels so if anyone can give me some input I'd appreciate it..
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animal test is not a very good product at all - even by prohormone standards... you should have done more research before diving in. you should still use an anti estrogen after your cycle, along with some tribulus. though animal test is severly underdosed, it can still shut you down (not as bad as some) so it is better to be safe than sorry

you should take as much time off as you had on.