question about the t dose reduction


New member
I am in trt for 4 years, the first year I started with a high dosage (250mg every 6 days, divided into two doses, one every 3 days) to give mass and strength to my body that came from a period of low t. With this dosage my total t was around 12ng / ml after 2 days of dose, hematocrit 49-50.
In the following years I reduced the dosage and from this last year I make 50% of the initial dose (125mg every 6 days, divided into two doses, one every 3 days, this is about 145mg / week) but the total t is the same, around 11-12ng / ml after 2 days of dose, with the same hematocrit.
I find this very strange, I use the same drug from the same pharmaceutical company, how can this be possible?
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A very common thing here is getting bloodwork drawn the day of injection. But before injection / wait to inject till after blood test.

Depending on the testosterone used and how long you has been on TRT you may have caught your testoserone levels on the upswing. Some test esters take 2 months to reach stable levels.

If you can add all test levels and the ranges provided it helps.

Also age, height, weight.

How long after starting TRT did you get the bloodwork drawn?

How long after changing the dose did you get the labs drawn?

Are you sure it's ng/dl?
Doesn't make much sense to me. I seem to have a linear total testosterone to injected amount. Cut dosage in half and I'd have half the total T.
A very common thing here is getting bloodwork drawn the day of injection. But before injection / wait to inject till after blood test.

Depending on the testosterone used and how long you has been on TRT you may have caught your testoserone levels on the upswing. Some test esters take 2 months to reach stable levels.

If you can add all test levels and the ranges provided it helps.

Also age, height, weight.

How long after starting TRT did you get the bloodwork drawn?

How long after changing the dose did you get the labs drawn?

Are you sure it's ng/dl?

I do injection every 3 days and I have done the blood sampling work on the second day (48 hours after the last dose and 24 hours before the next dose), both when I used a higher dosage and the lowest dosage I used this year.
all my levels measured with 290mg x week were 12-13 ng and now with 145mg / week I made two and both are at 11-12ng / ml, the only difference was the medical center of the test, in this year's tests is another medical center, maybe I should go back to re-test in the same medical center as the first tests.

I'm 38, 170cm, 95kg with clean muscle mass (I'm ex bodybuilder-powelifter)

the first blood sampling I performed them after 3-6-9 months from 290mg / week therapy, (average results 12-13ng / ml)

The dose has been decreased in the years of 50mg per year approximately, from February of this year I decreased from 200mg to 145mg x week and after about 10 weeks I performed the first exam 11.6 ng / mL (2.8 - 8.0 ), after another 2 weeks the second one has always confirmed a level of 12ng / ml
Levels like total test, free testosterone, estrogen, e2/estradiol, SHBG.

Usually is ng/"DL". Thats why the range is important. I'm not sure what the conversion from a dL to a mL is. If your reading really is ml. If it's the same scale as my labs you are so low it's a miracle. 200mg week had me sitting over 1,000 ng/dL.

Even weirder is the same level of testoserone with a lower dose.
For example I had two blood tests on two different 200 mg/wk Test C cruises, plus 250 IU HCG 2x/wk. One came back 1,260 the other 1,340 ng/dL.

So I took the testosterone base in 200 mg Test C, which is 139.8mg and divided the average of 1,300 ng/dL to get 9.30 Total Test per Injected mg.

I tried to predict my level at 100 mg/wk Test E on the next cruise, so took test base of 72mg * 9.3 = 670 Total Test.

The actual blood test this time came back 673 ng/dL which is freaky close. Probably just a fluke that it's so close, but it goes to show the linear response - i.e. take half the dose and get half the total T levels.
In my lab testosterone it's in ng/mL (normal range 2,8 - 8,0 ) and I have about 12 with 290mg/sett of enanthate and same result with 145mg/sett.
So depending on where exactly your level is, 11 or 13, in each've had a 10 to 15 percent drop in test level. Your dose sounds pretty good and your injecting frequently so you're probably getting the best/most stable results. I would expect a more pronounced drop in test level for the amount your dose has dropped BUT, everyone is different. I get great values with 100mg per week while I see others who need 200 per week to get the same results. I would guess that if you cut your dose in half again youd see a bigger drop than the previous one but you won't know unless you try. I'm trying to say that with try there seems to be a point where each individual gets in a sweet spot......and a little more or a little less doesn't drastically change their results. This is the 80mg to 200mg per week range that I'm speaking of.

Which is why everyone says if you cycle that your first cycle should be 500. So that you are guaranteed great results. Some people see great results on 250 per week.....but EVERYONE sees results on 500 :)

I'm sure my rambling didn't help. Just sharing what I've seen. Both through my own bloodwork and the bloodwork of others.
if, after a further confirmation test, there is always a level of 12 (1,200), I have to decide whether to lower the dosage again. so I feel very good and I have optimal energies for training, sex, optimal wellbeing, beyond hematocrit by 50. What would you do and what do you recommend?
So your only issue is hematocrit? Do you donate blood? Go donate every 45 days and your hematocrit should come down. I donated today:)
So your only issue is hematocrit? Do you donate blood? Go donate every 45 days and your hematocrit should come down. I donated today:)

no, the problem is not the hematocrit that is always 49-50 (both with the highest dose and the lowest dose), but always having the value of testosterone out of range (11-12), can be this danger for rest of my life?....I have used testosterone for cycle for about 15 years withuot side effects (only positive effect, most strenght&muscle, strong caracter) but by 4 years I'm in TRT.
I can't donate blood.
I have never tested my estrogen levels, simply because I have always felt good and never had signs of gynecomastia or low libido, even using high levels of high testosterone in the cycles I was doing 10 years ago with 500 / week, now in trt for Do you care to test them at 150 / week of testosterone?
I have never tested my estrogen levels, simply because I have always felt good and never had signs of gynecomastia or low libido, even using high levels of high testosterone in the cycles I was doing 10 years ago with 500 / week, now in trt for Do you care to test them at 150 / week of testosterone?

Yea but that doesn't mean your E2 is not out of whack, I have seen people over 100 ng/dl and have no symptoms at all. You gotta get that tested.
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50 is the upper level where you should go donate, would be better to see it in the mid 40's.

Thats crazy low man and I could not expect anyone on TRT to sit that low. 51 seems to be the spot.

For those not on TRT they would usually sit at 48. Lower than that and could be a sign of an underlying condition.