Question for CJW

By weight the standard dose would be 112. Please take this with a grain of salt i am no doctor. I weigh 240 and i take 212. they still cant control my thyroid. i just started 25mg of cytomel
I will also say you must feel like shit at those tsh # i feel bad any time i get over 3.00
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By weight the standard dose would be 112. Please take this with a grain of salt i am no doctor. I weigh 240 and i take 212. they still cant control my thyroid. i just started 25mg of cytomel
I will also you must feel like shit at those tsh # i feel bad any time i get over 3.00

Yeah man, I really do feel like shit all the time, especially combined with low testosterone. No sex drive and morning wood at 18 years old = bye bye college life. I have an appointment in two weeks, so we will see how the T4 has been working on my levels. My biggest problem that I need to get over is patience.. I am letting it consume me rather than being optimistic about it
The anemia will probably reverse on testosterone replacement. We all have to donate we make so much blood on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) about every 3-4 months I donate. Keep the whole picture in mind...every hormone counts. Many docs just don't want to prescribe sex hormones to young men that need them.
Dang I never knew that! Yeah I will see if my blood count goes up after I get my test up either through the thyroid or through trt. I have the appointment with the endo on the 21st so I'll let you know on anything knew. I definitely want this appointment because I get blood work a few days before so we can see if this T4 is doing anything for my levels. Fingers crossed that it's working.
If there is any doubt as to if your nuts work or not just suggest your doc give you an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) trial to see how high your T level can get on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). IF it does not raise, that means that in order to get an optimal T count you will need T injections and no amount of thyroid hormone will raise your T level adequately.
The anemia will probably reverse on testosterone replacement. We all have to donate we make so much blood on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) about every 3-4 months I donate.

Not so for everyone of us. I've never had to donate blood and I've been on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) now for two years. My crit has never been above 48% nor have my other hemo marks increased while doing this.

There are other factors that are at work in this regards other than simple application of of HRT.
Yes sir 220-145 in about a year and a half. I was obese because of my poor diet my whole life time. Now I eat relatively clean and with good macros 7 days a week
If chip can do my thyroid too I can go with him I can't afford chip and an endo. Btw is anyone here on androgel with insurance? I want to know a rough price on how much it is a month with insurance.
5 days till I get blood drawn again. To be honest I'm not too confident I feel the same if not worse and my constipation went back to what it was before (back to taking a shut once every 3-4 days) I count my calories and get more than enough fiber. Btw CJ, I have had some symptoms of high estrogen (crazy bloating, water retention, soft muscle looks, etc. I was reading about Your calcium d thread. Would you recommend I start this or should I wait to get tests back? At this point it will be a while before I can get those tests given my doctor. Also, if am as a matter of fact hypogonadism, what's your opinions on shots vs gel? He already said he'll prescribe Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), but it's not guranteed he will monitor my estrogen

Edit: just wrote that post before reading your last post. His nurse said that sometimes upon request they'll allow someone to start off with shots. As dumb as this may sound I am thinking of taking my mom with me maybe he'll be a bit more lenient if she tells him she will administer the shots.
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Had an appointment today, went great! My TSH went down to 5.5 and my testosterone went up 100 points and is now at 410. So it's looking good he upped my dose of T4 to 100mcg from 75. The good thing is that he wants my thyroid down to 1-3. Well see where my tetosterone is then. Would it be a good idea to try some natty test boosters? Tribulus, DAA, or a company made natty booster? I have the anabolic innovations swole stack at my house thought maybe I could start that? It's all natural. Also I'm going to be taking some herbs to help with thyroid.
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Great news man. Keep updating us. Hopefully it ends up around 600 or mid 600s even if it takes 6 months.

What herbs?

Id save the natty booster for later IMO and see what the current protocol does for you.
Will definitely keep updating. And yeah I could see the cons in me running a natty test booster so I'll hold off on that for now. I was thinking of starting to take the following herbs:

For thyroid: Vitamin C, Vitamin D, iodine, zinc

Also going to add a good multi and some fish oil. My joints have been killing me lately..