Question for Nelson-ephedra

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mPUA "el diablo"
Nelson, I have a Question

curious--why do you dislike ephedra?

are there links that you have that show your opinion>
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If ephedra worked so well, why isn't everybody fat free?

The problem with nervous system stimulents like ephedra is they work against your goal in several ways.

Ephedra does not raise body temperature enough to burn fat. (Unless you use ridiculous dosages) It simply decreases appitite. The body reacts by slowing the metabolism in an effort to maintain homeostasis. As soon as you stop using it, all the fat come back -- plus MORE, since the metabolism is sluggish after adapting to the stimulation.

Ephedra is also indiscriminate as to what cells it attacks. (There's a cool explanation for this but it's late and I'm not going to get into itynow. Let the flaming begin)

At any rate, no matter what antone tells you, it's the THYROID that burns fat. Nothing else. That's why I developed ZIP. Anything that claims to be a "stimulent free fat burner" that doesn't hype the thyroid is bogus IMO. And gugglesterones are not the answer either.
Nelson - Montana said:
If ephedra worked so well, why isn't everybody fat free?

The problem with nervous system stimulents like ephedra is they work against your goal in several ways.

Ephedra does not raise body temperature enough to burn fat. (Unless you use ridiculous dosages) It simply decreases appitite. The body reacts by slowing the metabolism in an effort to maintain homeostasis. As soon as you stop using it, all the fat come back -- plus MORE, since the metabolism is sluggish after adapting to the stimulation.

Ephedra is also indiscriminate as to what cells it attacks. (There's a cool explanation for this but it's late and I'm not going to get into itynow. Let the flaming begin)

At any rate, no matter what antone tells you, it's the THYROID that burns fat. Nothing else. That's why I developed ZIP. Anything that claims to be a "stimulent free fat burner" that doesn't hype the thyroid is bogus IMO. And gugglesterones are not the answer either.

After trashing ephedra (a product competing against one of yours), you then promote your product, 'ZIP'.
On your website, it is obvious from your before and after pics that you never carried any bulk, or fat, thus I can't see how you can speak about fat loss from the viewpoint of experience....
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Victorian guy said:
After trashing ephedra (a product competing against one of yours), you then promote your product, 'ZIP'.
On your website, it is obvious from your before and after pics that you never carried any bulk, or fat, thus I can't see how you can speak about fat loss from the viewpoint of experience....

Notice how Victorian guy is making the thread about ME?

This is why treads turn into flames and get locked.

Now may I explain why these staements are ridiculous without everyone getting their panties in a twist?

For one thing, ephedra isn't something that came along and was in competition with ZIP. And what people don't realize is that I could put ANYTHING is ANY product so to say I don't like something because it isn't in my formula makes no sense whatsoever.

When asked to put together a thremogenic I used the ingredients which I've been advocating for years that I knew worked. So VG, you're wrong. Again.

As for my personal experience, yes, I've always been an ectomorph. But as I grew I still wanted to keep the fat off and have used quite a bit of ephedra. I have also trained hundreds of clients, most of whom were overweight and recommended ephedra to them as well and it just never seemed to do much good -- not on me, not on them. And whenever anyone los weight on it, it came right back every time. That's when I did more investigationg into the matter and aftrer a year of research and experimentation, came across the combination that worked best and that's what I put in ZIP.

Does that explain it? Or am I going to be accused of being a 50 year old man who lies about talking to Craig Titus? :rolleyes:
fyi: to everyone

Im "not calling out" Nelson---i just wanted to get his attention

I should have titled the thread "question for nelson"

my bad-----------------anyway


do you think taking very high dosages of ephedra would turn it
into a fat burning product via increase in internal heat?

Would this than make it to dangerous too take at such dosages?

Anything that claims to be a "stimulent free fat burner" that doesn't hype the thyroid is bogus IMO

on another thread you said you would encourage your
clients to you zip along with a t-rex and levorex..

Is there a change of opinion?
Yes, ephedra will increase internal heat in dosages that will make you feel like a crack addict who hasn't slept in 4 days. I wouldn't recommend it.

The only way to burn fat steadily and somewhat permantently is to raise basil temp via thyroid stimulation. This is why T 3 is so effective. But of course using T 3 has the same backlash as using stimulents in that the body deveolps a tolerence to the stimulation and then fat loss plateus. Of course T3 is also suppressive which is why no one ever keeps the fat from T3 use for very long. The only sensible way to burn fat sensibly and consistantly is though non supressive thyroid elevation which is what ZIP is designed to do. The problem with ZIP is, it isn't the type of supplement that's going to make people say; "WOW THIS STUFF KICKS ASS!!!" But it works, steadily and effectively.

Concerning Levorexin: To be honest, I was trying to be gracious to my competitors by saying that their product was good too. Unfortunately one of the salesman for that company concerned doesn't know how to return the gesture. I'm not looking for his endorsement but he has on occasion spoken on the topic using what I feel to be misleading and erroneously conceived information and I wish he wouldn't do that for no other reason but professional curtosy. I choose to take the high road and maintain that levorexin is still a good product (although I think the new one - forgot the name -- might be a better stack with ZIP) But on it's own, there's no contest. ZIP is by far the superior fat burner.
so is ZIP "slower acting"--i.e--i wont know what its doing
until a few weeks?

.--i ordered it already--just wondering what to expect
I have never tried zip, T3, or any thyroid drug so I don’t know from experience, but I have used ECA, along with a good diet and it works quit well. but my question is that I have read that if u take a thyroid drug like T3 then it will start to burn a lot of muscle to, that’s why when ppl use T3 they usually r on some type of steroid(prop) so they can preserve muscle. now since u r saying zip is works the same way then should u expect to lose a consiterable amount of muscle?
I am not trying to bash ur product. but I would like to further my knowledge on this subject, so correct me if I am wrong.
MOjs13 said:
I have never tried zip, T3, or any thyroid drug so I don’t know from experience, but I have used ECA, along with a good diet and it works quit well. but my question is that I have read that if u take a thyroid drug like T3 then it will start to burn a lot of muscle to, that’s why when ppl use T3 they usually r on some type of steroid(prop) so they can preserve muscle. now since u r saying zip is works the same way then should u expect to lose a consiterable amount of muscle?
I am not trying to bash ur product. but I would like to further my knowledge on this subject, so correct me if I am wrong.

One of the reasons T3 burns muscle is because it essentially is putting your body into overdrive and they causes a surge of adrenaline , which also increase energy but it's catabolic. (Incidentally, something similar to this happens when fasting or even with keto diets. People swear they have more energy. Yeah, it's called catabolism. ) This does not happen with ZIP. ZIP supports the thyroid, not surpresses it.

Brooklyn: ZIP doesn't give that big crash in appitite which often leads to the initital loss of weight. But the fat loss is continual and longer lasting. But as mentioned on another thread, we make no claims of it working unless you give it some help. That means training and diet. Then the ZIP will give that extra edge. I think you'll like it.
nelson, are all these products from your company? Also how would you recomend something to your clients that you have not personally tried. I know plenty of people that have been succsefull using ephedra. It all comes down to will power and diet.
Ephedra/ephedrine works, especially when combined with caffeine. Anybody who tells you differently is wrong. There have been several studies that show it works, and works well over time (over a year straight). It has been tested against meridia and another drug, both of which it beat not only in terms of fatloss while on, but in ability to keep fat off after cessation.

Also, the 'stimulant' effect tends to leave after using for regular periods, however the fat burning ability is not minimized. In other words, it still works even after you can't 'feel it' anymore. Again, this is documented.

I've yet to see or hear, even anecdotally of the fat coming back moreso after cessation of ephedrine. However, if you eat too much and exercise too little, reality will settle in pretty quickly.

The biggest problem with ephedrine is it's affect on the prostate. The older you get, the more likely you will encounter this.
Bimmer said:
nelson, are all these products from your company? Also how would you recomend something to your clients that you have not personally tried. I know plenty of people that have been succsefull using ephedra. It all comes down to will power and diet.

I didn't recommend anything that I didn't use. :confused:
TxLonghorn said:
Ephedra/ephedrine works, especially when combined with caffeine. Anybody who tells you differently is wrong. There have been several studies that show it works, and works well over time (over a year straight). It has been tested against meridia and another drug, both of which it beat not only in terms of fatloss while on, but in ability to keep fat off after cessation.

Also, the 'stimulant' effect tends to leave after using for regular periods, however the fat burning ability is not minimized. In other words, it still works even after you can't 'feel it' anymore. Again, this is documented.

I've yet to see or hear, even anecdotally of the fat coming back moreso after cessation of ephedrine. However, if you eat too much and exercise too little, reality will settle in pretty quickly.

The biggest problem with ephedrine is it's affect on the prostate. The older you get, the more likely you will encounter this.

You must be mistaken. I'd like to see that documentation that says ephedra continues work even afer you stop "feeling it." I've know hundreds of people who have used ephedra and that was never the case. Not once.

Sure, if you use it for a year straight you'll probably weigh less than when you started, but you'd be addicted to the shit by then. Besides, I'd bet the weight loss over that period of time in those studies was due mostly to improved conditioning.

And yeah, it's bad for the prostate too. And it makes your dick shrink. And even though the folks at Twin Lab are screaming and kicking about how safe it is and pretending to care about everybody's civil liberties, the truth of the matter is, they don't give a fuck about how dangerous it might be. They'd step over your dead body to cash the check from the sales of Ripped Fuel they get every month. I'm not saying it's the killer the media has made it out to be. But for anyone with a heart condition it can be dangerous. And anyway you slice it, it isn't healthy. Ephedra sucks.

My flag pole would go limp bizkit--

thankfully my girl was understanding-----but always
would leave me with a "You owe me"
brooklynheight said:

My flag pole would go limp bizkit--

thankfully my girl was understanding-----but always
would leave me with a "You owe me"

Ha! I just read "it made it hard..." :)

Yeah, epherda wakes you up while it puts Mr. Winkums to sleep. Hate it.
Nelson - Montana said:
You must be mistaken. I'd like to see that documentation that says ephedra continues work even afer you stop "feeling it."

I am not mistaken, lol.

If you'd like to see it then read the research on it, there is tons available. There was tons available 15 years ago when I started getting interested in it. It took me forever to read through that stuff.

I'm not a big fan of ephedra/ephedrine, but to say it isn't effective at helping people lose fat/weight is disingenuous at best. I don't think it's so dangerous that ephedra should be pulled of the shelf (I think ephedrine is still fine since you can still buy primatene mist tabs), but I won't take any, and I've no problem with dnp, lol.

As for how it works, I think that is still up for debate, but not *that* it works. Some speculate that it's BAT, others say quantities of BAT in adult humans isn't enough to do anything, etc., etc.

A side note, doctors used to give ephedrine to patients (don't know if they still do, I was talking with an older doctor about this a decade or so ago about this) who they needed to keep 'limp' for whatever reason. However, through my own trial and error I found that if indeed you can get it up while on ephedrine, you can last forever in the sack. I have no idea if you can take ephedrine and something like viagra/cialis to achieve a similar effect.
im opening this thread up per TXs instructions but the very first insult hurled will cause it to be closed permenantly . this shit is rediculous the very topics which need to be discussed cant be because of the flaming . everyone has a right to express their opinion as long as its done without flaming .


one more thing i dont want a bunch of bs post about he started it or i didnt do anything wrong or anything along those line just post about the topic of this thread and nothing else period . that goes for nelson,victorian guy, jo bob , mary ellen and everyone else .
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