Question for Vibrant about the use of mgf ,peg mgf IGF 1 and food


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Dear VIBRANT , I have followed yours advises in the use of peptides like on the thread about localized muscle growth . I did a cycle and got result . Now I will repeat it . I do think I have to do it a couple of time before to get the desired result in full . I am taking pics wich I will show only at the end . I would like to ask You if in the next cycle assuming after the training immidiately some liquid protein and carbo and after returning at home (20 min.after training and shaker) injecting the peptides these will be made ineffective by the shaker. Generally how does it goes with the use of the peptides and food intake? Thank You very much , Carlo .

P.s.: generally I do the training at lunch time so I do the training then I go home , inject mgf after 20/30 min igf1 and I do eat . Doing this way I stay empty stomach for about 50 min after the training and I wold like to add at this routine some protein and or carbo immidiately at the end of the training . Does it has sense ?
Hi Vibrant , at the moment just peg mgf , mgf and igf1des with some primobolan
. After this cycle I would like to use the same peptides but with hgh and testo . I would like to start a six months therapy with hgh and testo and keep cycling during it peptides . At the end I would like to use gh releasing peptides . What do You think about ? Thank You very much , Carlo .
For des, you want to pin bi-lat IM pre workout as close to the workout as you can because it has a short half life.

mgf, 15min post wo injected bi-lat into the muscle group trained.

peg mgf, on off training days in the morning injected subQ.

you don't really have to worry about what you eat while on these peps, just use your normal post wo routine. when you add the ghrp's, thats when you should watch the timing of what you eat.

here's what a sample protocol would look like if you wanted to stack all the peps (des, lr3, mgf, peg mgf, ghrp/cjc w/o dac) :

Pre Workout
- 15 min pre 100mcg DES Bi-Lat

Post Workout
- 15 min Post workout 200mcg MGF Bi-Lat
- 15 min after MGF Dose GHRP/CJC Combo 150mcg or more of each
- 20 Min After GHRP Combo Dose 120mcg IGF-LR3 Sub Q

Non Workout Days
Dose peg MGF 200mcg Sub Q
ghrp2/cjc 150mcg or more upon wakeup and before bed.

Workout Days:
- 200mcg GHRP-2 & 200mcg cjc-1295 w/o Dac ( Morning, Post Workout 15min after MGF Dose, Pre Bed)

Doses can be adjusted.

Sent from my nexus 7
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Just another question .Could You please tell me how with ghrp's and food ? How to behave ? Thank You again.Carlo .