Question on Western Union .......

depends on the situation, i hate using my real info at all. but god forbid something happens and you pull back or your source says go claim your money i cant fill your order, then your fucked. you lost out both ways.
it is not illegal to send money. last time i checked thats what western union is for.

put your real stuff down that way if you ever run into a transaction problem you can get your funds back.

just my 2 cents
Well the only problem is with a controled delivery situation there's a good chance they'll have the WU records to prove you sent money to whatever country we're talking about. So it ain't like you can say I have no idea what that is or where it came from.
genarr3 said:
Well the only problem is with a controled delivery situation there's a good chance they'll have the WU records to prove you sent money to whatever country we're talking about. So it ain't like you can say I have no idea what that is or where it came from.

Very true. Also consider that although people usually get in trouble for actual possession, if they really want to play hardball, they can get you for merely attemting to import this stuff, and if they have the gear and your WU records showing that you paid for it, what are you going to say?
The few times I've done it I use a name very close to my real name, just slightly misspelled. That way it's not tied to me but if I need to get the money back I can go in there and say that they fucked up my last name. What's funny is they've actually fucked it up WORSE than I wrote it a few times, just because as Skedmedz said, they are mostly morons.