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i am considering doing several 2on4off cycles and was hoping someone could help me out with planning things out. heres what im thinking of doing:

day1 750mg sustanon250
day1-14 25mg dianabol daily spaced out in 5 doses
4 weeks off
day1 750mg sus
day1-14 50mg winstrol daily spaced out
4weeks off

i will alternate dbol and Winstrol (winny) until i am done with all cycles. my main concern or doubt is wether to use clomid on off weeks and at what dose. i was thinking of using 100mg daily for the first two off weeks and 50 for the last two. also i would load it on day 14. dose this look good or am i missing something? oh yeah, i would have nolva on hand just in case.
okay, some background
26 years old 183 lbs 5 9. been lifting off and on for 10 years. i am looking to gain 15 pounds, not all at once but spaced out over say 4 cycles. ill be doing about 3500-4000 calories 25pro30fat45carb. this would be my second cycle. my first consisted of 500mg sus and 200mg decca weekly for 10 weeks followed by clomid use. i lost most gains after about 2 months due to illness. that was two years ago, ive gained back most of what i lost and im looking to keep working naturally for another 6 months before doing this cycle. all depends on how long i keep making gains. thats it, laters.
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The 2 on 4 off cycle is something that's been used as few. The reason for this, well, because most people start seeing gains in 4-5 weeks.
I would change my approach to this cycle. First by eliminating Sustanon (sust), and replacing it with prop. Prop is shorter acting and more suitable for 2 week cycles. I would keep the Winstrol (winny), and consider adding tren. It would look somehting like this:
Day 1-11: Prop 100mg/ed
: Tren 75mg/ed
Day 1-14: Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ed
You need to run clomid in the entire four weeks that your off. Your method will be fine.
Short esters would be the way to go.

What is your reason for running it this way?

first off, thanks for the quick response guys. johnny, if you mean why sustanon? i have about 6 grams of it laying around and figured i may as well use it. also i want to keep as much of my gains as possible and from what ive read 2on4off seems the way to go. ill gain slower but will have less problems with inhibition and sides. what would be the worst case scenario if i go ahead with the sus? if results are gonna be that shitty then maybe ill go with a 10 week cycle. im still planning this out and i have some time to decide so any input is appreciated. i mainly want to cut side effects down to a minimum. thanks alot for the advice, later.
another thing. since i lost all gains from my first cycle would i be better served by acting as if i had not done it at all? it has been over two years and basically i went from 192 to about 160 in two weeks due to a pulmonary infection. then i went down to 145 while i recovered. im back up to 183 but it has taken me almost a year to get back into the shape i was in before my first cycle. my goal is to get to a very lean 200. but i basically want to use as little gear as possible. also, i dont mind reaching my goal somewhat slower than what i know is possible if it means better long term health. these are just some thoughts. the question is this. can i expect anything from a sustanon only cycle at doses close to those of my first cycle or is my body at another level now despite the above mentioned situation? i hope this question makes sense. ive done alot of research on this but it would be nice to get some advice from someone with more experience. thanks, laters.
Bro, if your going to do a 2 on/4 off cycle, it's best you do it with "short" acting ester. I don't think that using sust @750mg for 1 day is going to give you the gains your looking for. Also, you could use the same dose that you used 2 years ago. You could even go lower if your worried about sides. But I would definitely run it for 10 weeks at a low/moderate dose. JMO
thanks alot bro. i will consider this. if i do the 2on4off then ill just save the sustanon for later. if i do decide to go long would it be a bad idea to frontload the sustanon? im thinking since i have such little experience that it may be a bad idea. sorry for all the questions i just want to make sure im doing this right. later.
kube said:
thanks alot bro. i will consider this. if i do the 2on4off then ill just save the sustanon for later. if i do decide to go long would it be a bad idea to frontload the sustanon? im thinking since i have such little experience that it may be a bad idea. sorry for all the questions i just want to make sure im doing this right. later.

Sure. Alot of people like the idea of front loading, so it wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I've never done it, so I can't tell you if theres a difference.
Questions are good, that's what the board is here for.:D
okay, thanks. so if i frontload will i be rotating injection sites or can i get away with alternating left and right cheeks and injecting EOD? that way im giving each site three days to recover. ive never injected myself in the shoulder or quad and would rather not right now. i may just do this. so i guess it would look like this:
250mg sustanon EOD for three weeks.
200mg decca twice a week for ten weeks.
clomid 100mg daily for two weeks following cycle and 50mg daily for two weeks after that.
anything else i should have on hand besides nolvadex?